Before we begin..

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Greetings, and welcome to my oneshot book!
I know you're most likely prepared to begin reading the story, or send in a request, but please read this before you do as it will contain important information before we begin.

First, I'd like to state that this media, and all the characters within it besides the reader themselves rightfully belongs to Mondo Media, and the creators of Happy Tree Friends themselves. I am simply creating fan content for the audience to enjoy, and I claim nothing of this is mine besides my own writing.

Second, I'd like to state some warnings, and rules. We'll get to the latter first.


1. [Updated] I will no longer be taking NSFW/Smut requests, my apologies! I'd just prefer to not write pornographic material whilst I now acknowledge that this site is filled mainly of minors. It doesn't feel right to write smut for minors, even if I am one myself. I don't want to expose ya'll to that kind of thing, it's not right.
However, I will be fine with things having a slight suggestive theme, but, it won't be anywhere near to the point of actual sexual activity.
For my safety, and all of yours.

2. I will NOT do requests that contain glorified/written rape, or a non-con scenario done by ANY of the characters. Rape in any shape and form is disgusting, and I do not approve of it. Any sexual activities that are in this book WILL be with consent, whether it is preferred or not. Rape is a serious and traumatizing topic, and I'm not here to write anthro animals having sex without consent in some way. It's putrid.

3. I will not be doing OC x Reader/ Canon x OC, so any requests that may contain this will not be taken. I'm very sorry but it's just not my thing to do.

4. I will not be doing crossovers, so I will also apologize if you're looking for this. I don't quite want to bring other medias within HTF, unless it's already apart of it (Spinoffs, and the like).

5. LGBTQ+ ships are okay to request by the way, I'm in full support of it! So if you'd like a oneshot with, for example Nutty x Male Reader, or Flaky x Female reader, you may request it! Don't be shy!

6. I will not be writing any requests that contain the sexualization of disabilities, or mental illnesses. If there just so happens to be a scenario that contains one, then I will do it, but do not expect me to try to make the thing in question something cute. I take these things very seriously, and it makes me ill by just simply having the thought of making something like self harm some sort of cute, quirky topic.
The subjects will be handled seriously and with care. So please, do feel free to request the reader with a disability (including physical ones), and mental illnesses, especially if you'd like to be represented in some sort of way.

That should be all of the rules for now, or at the least all the rules I can think of for the time being. I may update this if there are any more, but for now, please respect the ones that are provided.

And now, here are what you'll need to know about the "emojis" that will be next to each chapter. These will help you know what type of oneshot it is.

Suggestive content: 
Crack/Jokefic: ☻

The heaviness of the angst, and/or suggestive scenarios will be contained within the warning within the chapter so it is clear of what you, dear reader, will be getting into.

If any of the "emojis" are combined, it means it has a mix of them. So if you see "
✦❦" for example, it means it will be an angsty chapter with sexual themes.

Thank you for reading, and once again, have a good day!
You are free to request what you desire in the comments of this chapter.

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