18 - Frostclaw

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The car ride to Frostclaw was much quicker than expected. Sloane parked the car outside of the packhouse of Frostclaw, and I walked in, welcomed by the Delta, Charlotte. She guided me to the Beta's office, where Dallas sat at a computer.

"Alpha," he said softly, standing up. A door in the corner of the room opened and his mate, Lily, walked in.

She ducked her head and walked to stand next to her husband. "Hello, Alpha."

"Hello, Dallas and Lily. It's great to see you in person." I smiled gently. "I wanted to swing by today and see you and check out Frostclaw. I haven't been here for a few years now."

Lily stood straighter. "All of the pack members are at lunch now, and you can go to see them. I can take you." She walked to stand beside me.

"I'll be back to discuss some pack business, Dallas. Why don't you take a break until I return?"

He nodded, pushing back from the desk. "I'll go with you to the cafeteria." We left the Beta's office, and we walked to the hallway, soon joined by the Delta. Together, the four of us walked to the cafeteria. As we walked into the cafeteria, all eyes turned to us.

I smiled gently and walked to the head table, taking my spot directly in the middle. I asked a servant for a glass of juice but waved for everyone to continue eating. I sipped my juice, watching the interactions, but soon stood and began walking to tables.

"You're our new Alpha?" A young boy said, staring up at me.

I squatted down to be eye level with him, balancing my juice in my hand, "I am. My name is Alpha Alena. What is your name?"

"Sydney, miss."

"Alpha." His mother quietly corrected. "Not miss, Alpha."

I smiled and stood. "I would prefer you refer to me as Luna or Luna Princess." I watched as some jaws dropped. "I am Prince Griffin's true mate and am officially a member of the royal family. Currently, I am also standing in as your Alpha following the death of Alpha Caelan."

"You don't just stand in, and you must have-"

I nodded, staring down at the man who spoke up. "I did, and I don't regret it. Unfortunately, he claimed me as his mate in front of Prince Griffin. The consequences of that were sadly grave." I turned to stand in the middle of the room. "I am making decisions currently about who your long-term Alpha will be. If you have anyone who you think would be a good Alpha, please let me know as soon as possible. I'll be here on the pack grounds for a few hours today, and I would love to get to know you." I finished my juice and held the empty cup.

"I also need to speak with the White family as soon as possible." A toothy grin covered my face, and my cousins ran to me. I embraced them in a hug. The two held me tightly. Ethan was tall and muscular, taller and much stronger than he had been two years before. Elaina was still an inch shorter than I was and maintained a fit physique.

"Alena, you look so good," Elaina said, staring me down. "A princess, huh?"

"Griffin is the greatest. We can go to the lobby for a while before other people want to meet with me." We all walked to the lobby area and sat, discussing life over the past two years.

Elaina leaned forward. "You're not marked yet, Alena." She looked confused. "But you've known him for two weeks."

I nodded. "I've been insanely busy with becoming Alpha and life as it is. We've tried to talk about it, but there just hasn't been time."

"He won't... hurt you if you don't do it soon?" Ethan asked, reaching for my hand.

I held my cousin's hand and shook my head. "He would never." The lie slipped quickly through my lips, and I didn't regret it. Even though it was a lie, I had to protect the Prince's image that the kingdom held. "We are going to complete it soon. He has to leave for a visit to the Auvomor Kingdom tomorrow, and I know he would prefer to be marked before that." I smiled. Someone cleared their throat, and a few families were standing around waiting to talk to me.

The Value of A Name - One Delta's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now