7 - Challenge

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A/N: Hello to my one reader from the UK! Thank you for taking the time to check out my story!

If you're not from the UK and you want to be recognized, comment here where you're from, and I might shout you out in a new chapter! 


The two men squared up, staring at each other, waiting for the call to start fighting. Because I was the highest-ranking outside of the fighters, it was up to me to order it to begin.

I yelled for my mate, "Griffin!"

He swiveled and turned to face me, still watching Caelan out of the corner of his eye. We all knew if Caelan moved to attack while Griffin was unprepared, he would be dead instantly, especially with all of the Alphas there to protect the throne. Caelan knew that too and stood still, just watching.

"The kill is mine, Griff. Incapacitate him, but the kill is mine."

Griffin shook his head at me and said, "I am not putting you in danger, love."

I frowned at his response. "Why is he being charged, again?" I looked to Calliope.

"Plotting high treason against the throne, Princess," she responded, a grin crossing her face.

I glanced at Finn. "And whose throne was it against, Finn?"

"Yours, Luna Alena." He ducked his head and attempted to hide his smile. They knew what I was doing, and it was clear that Griffin did too.

Griffin took a deep breath and nodded. "Your subordinates will ensure your safety. I will let you know when it is time." I smiled gently at him.

Alpha Sebastian stood tall, laying out the rules. "You know the rules of the fight. There will be clean fighting only. Any dirty hits result in a penalty. I will be calling the fight, but Luna Alena will call for it to begin when she is prepared. Alpha Prince Griffin, if you fall, to whom do your earthly possessions go?"

Griffin looked at me. "My mate, Princess Alena, who has verbally claimed to be my mate in front of these witnesses, receives my earthly possessions and the royal throne."

Alpha Sebastian nodded. "And Alpha Caelan, if you fall, to whom do your earthly possessions go?"

"My slayer receives my possessions and the rights to my pack." He spoke solemnly, making direct eye contact with me. I had already claimed his kill, which would make me Alpha of Frostclaw when I kill him. There were no 'ifs' in my vocabulary concerning this fight. My mate was going to win.

Alpha Sebastian nodded toward me. "Whenever you are ready, Luna, you may order the fight to begin."

"The fight will be in both wolf form and human form. Any dirty hits punishment will be three minutes in human form while your opponent is in wolf form. Is anything unclear?"

They both looked straight at me and shook their heads.

"Alrighty then. Let's get this fight going." I took a deep breath and counted down from three, then yelled, "begin!"

They jumped at each other, remaining in human form. Their fists flew so quickly I struggled to keep up with what was happening. Griffin fought the same way I had when practicing and training: a quick hit then a dodge. He would jab Caelan in the ribs, then dodge as Caelan attempted to retaliate.

Caelan still got a few good strikes in. While he didn't have speed on his side, he had force. His fist struck Griffin's chest, and it nearly echoed. Griffin used his foot and swept Caelan off his feet, his body hitting the ground with a thud. Griffin stepped back and shifted into wolf form, waiting for Caelan to regain his footing and shift. Griffin knew that Caelan had plenty of fight left, and it would be unfair for him to kill in wolf form. Once both were shifted, the fighting began again.

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