6 - Clearing

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The noise grew louder the closer I got to the boundary. I knew there was a clearing that I would be able to access. Soon, Damir was at my side. It appeared that he had shaken off our fight already, and he was running with me at my pace to the clearing. I veered left to where I believed it was, but Damir nudged me right. I followed his direction and soon came to the opening. I slowed to a jog and made my way to the center, where the two men were nearly at each other's throats.

I scanned the clearing and saw that almost all of the Alphas had arrived before me. The only Alpha missing was Alpha Silas. He and Luna Hannah most likely had wanted to leave and not witness the death of an Alpha. I glance into the eyes of all of the Alphas, but none of them seemed to be phased by the eye contact. Before today, I would have been threatened with treason charges, but they didn't even bring that idea to the table. Instead, the female Alphas nodded their heads to me as a sign of respect.

The clearing was an area that overlapped all three lands. Hundreds of years ago, the royal family had marked the boundaries on the ground, small silver markers drawing the lines. If it happens, this fight will take place within the entire clearing, but it gives access to different pack members to assist whoever falls.

I stepped closer to the men in the middle who were preparing to fight, and Alpha Sebastian joined the mix.

"Our most important witness has arrived. We may begin now," Alpha Sebastian said slowly and sadly. "The rules of the fight are-"

I cut him off quickly. "There is no fight."

Caelan's jaw dropped while a grin pulled its way across Griffin's face. "How dare you come to our fight and attempt to stop us. I have made the challenge, and you have no authority to come here and stop it."

"Do you have a death wish, Caelan?" I asked, staring into his eyes. He snarled, but I refused to break the eye contact. I knew it was clear that he didn't want me to be showing any power through eye contact, but he refused to back down.

Another snarl left his mouth. "It would appear that you do, Alena. You have no authority to stare me down like that."

"Watch your tone, Caelan." Griffin's voice sounded, and I jumped in before Caelan could respond to him.

"I would listen to your Alpha, Caelan. You have no authority to treat me the way you are." I watched over his shoulder as Calliope stiffened. We all already knew that Caelan had a mean streak when it came to women, mainly because he believed that the woman in a mated couple was slightly below the man. While this idea was utterly unfounded, some still stuck to the misogynistic idea, hence Calliope and Violet's struggle with their packs.

"Alena, as my mate, you know you will be below me. You will hold the title of Luna, not Alpha, and you will be a helper, not a true leader."

"Luckily for me, I am not your mate, nor will I ever be. I am your Princess Luna, and you will address me with the same level of respect as you should, my mate."

Griffin stared at me in a look that could only be called adoration. I glanced around to see all of the Alphas bowing to me. The men knelt to show submission, and the women bent at the waist with a fist across their chest.

"Princess Luna, as you are the highest rank now besides the two fighters, you decide what happens. Does the fight continue?" Alpha Sebastian looked up from his lowered position.

I shook my head. "The fighting stops now, and everyone returns to their home. I want no more talk about this, and I want to take some time to rest if that is okay with everyone." I laughed out the last part, and quite a few laughed.

"She's lying! I feel the pull to her. Her scent is alluring. I know she must be my mate, and she is lying because she wants the power of being the Prince's mate." Griffin wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, rooting me into place.

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