DeadMU - Star Gazing

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Hey guess what! More inspiration! This isn’t a song fic (Surprise surprise) Its just a fluffy DeadMU fic. (I feel like i'm betraying Skylox! :’(   I love skylox, i'm actually doing this, dedicated to a friend. Anyway…..


Enjoy, Vote, Comment, and Good Night!


~Jason’s POV~

        The hard roofing dug into my back and the cold leaked through my clothing, chilling me to my core. But I didn’t dare move, or I might miss it. My skin pricked with anticipation. The meteor shower was going to start soon, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. For anything. I lay there waiting, until a sound pulls my attention from the sky. I raise an eyebrow as one of my friends scammers across the roof ungracefully.

“Ty, what are you doing up here?” I ask as the shivering italian (He’s italian! I know cause my bff totally doesn’t stalk him in a cute fangirl way.) plops down next to me, pulling something from off his back.

“Well, you were up here alone, and you aren’t wearing anything under that so I brought you a blanket.” He chirped, his cheeks blushing a light pink that shown in the bright moon’s light. I smiled and laughed, causing him to stiffen. “What?” he asks, his blush darkening. I try and muffle my laugher and sooch closer to him.

“Ty, you only brought one blanket! And look at you shivering! Here, lets share! You can watch the meteor shower with me!” I say, smiling like a goof. He nods, throwing the blanket over both of us and huddling in close to me. I feel a light blush come to my own cheeks. I movement in the sky pulls my attention back and I gasp in joy. “Ty look! The meteor shower is starting! Quick make a wish!” I whisper as I watch in awe as the stars fly across the sky. I glance down at Ty, who also sat, staring in awe at the stars. I wish I can spend more time with Ty like this, just sitting, watching the stars. I turn back to the stars, which were thinning. I frowned a little. I...I missed some of it. As the sky fell still, I sighed. I could miss a meteor shower or two. But just for him. Just for Ty.

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