Remember When - Skylox!

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Its so late, errrr early? I just got inspiration at 12am and was like, Lezzgo!, so yeah. I wanted to do another songfic.This one's super long too for a one shot.  The song is…..

Remember When by Chris Wallace

Enjoy, Vote, Comment, and have a good Night!


~Adam’s POV~

It’s been a week. A week since me and Ty broke up. And why we broke up, you might ask, the answer is that I don’t know! I think we got into a fight about #Ty’sLeftFoot. I really don’t know, and it’s so frustrating not knowing that I have a feeling, that if I don’t find out, it would kill me.

But this was my chance. To tell Ty that I love him in one of his favorite ways. Me singing. Thanks to a little help from the guys, who coaxed Ty to come to the karaoke bar, I was going to have my chance. I pulled the hood higher over my head, sealing my disguise. If Ty saw me before my turn, he would storm out of here, never to be seen again. Not literally. He lived next door. I’d see him again, but that wasn’t an option. This needed to be perfect.

“Okay, Thank you Sara! That was a… beautiful song! Up next, we have the one and only, you know him and love him, Adam Dahlberg!!” The DJ shouted and the bar erupted with cheers as I jogged up to the stage with faked confidence, only then pulling down my hood. The bar patrons screamed louder and I scanned the crowd until my eyes fell on a familiar group of people. I smiled and walked over to the microphone.

“Hey guys, Sky here!” I shouted, causing another wave of screeching. I chuckled at my fans. They always had my back.

“I want to dedicate this song to a very special someone, you know know you are.” I said, my eyes locking into Ty’s, which were wide with shock. I laughed again, clearing my voice as the first tune boomed through the speakers. I began singing, letting my voice to hit all the notes that I had slaved over learning, and my eyes melting into my lovers’.

I'm sitting with an empty glass and a broken heart,

Thinking to myself what have I done,

Cause as my future got bright, we started losing light,

And I couldn't see that you were the one,

So can we push push push rewind,

Go go back in time,

When we were kids sneaking bottles of wine,

Take take take me back, I wanna go back,

Back to what we had! Do you remember when we started this mess,

My heart was beating out of my chest!,

Remember when we stole your dad's car,

I never thought we'd take it that far,

Oh we were flying so high, yeah partners in crime,

So why'd we ever say goodbye?,

Remember when we, when we, had it all

Do you remember when...

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