Merome - 5 nights of terror

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Prompt: When two security guards are hired at the run down Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, they have to survive night one.

Merome  - BajanCanadian x Hacksource/ASFJerome


Mitch jumped into the old, padded office chair in the back of the old pizzeria. He smiled, unbelieving his luck. He and another guy were going to be paid $100 dollars a shift, $500 a week, to sit in these very chairs and do nothing. Well, they had to do some work and watch the video cameras from 12AM to 6AM, but other than that, Mitch’s financial troubles would be over after a few weeks of these late nights. Mitch was also excited because his new partner was going to arrive soon. Mitch looked at his watch. 11:55PM. Mitch reclined into the chair until he hear voices and two sets of walking feet coming towards the office. He sat up, waiting until the two people strode around the corner. One of them was his new boss, Mr. Brotato. The other was a guy not much older that Mitch himself. He had dark brown eyes and shaggy brown hair that stuck out from under a Chewbacca beanie. He was wearing the guard uniform and was fumbling with the tie as the pair turned the corner.

  “Mr. Aceti! Please meet your fellow nightshift guard Mr. Hughes! Now you both got the voicemail already, right?” The boss asked. Mitch and the other guard nodded that they had and Mitch stood.

  “Actually, I wanted to ask a question about that. The guy who recorded the message, what was he talking about? The animatronics move?” Mitch asked. Why would they move? The guy who had recorded the call, Sky was his name, said that he should stay in the office and not leave unless emergency. Mr. Brotato laughed and turned, leaving Mitch’s question unanswered.

  “ Nonsense. Night boys!” He shouted and the duo stood in silence until the sound of a door closing and locking made Mitch turn to Mr. Aceti.

  “Hi, my name is Mitchell Hughes. I’ma be yo co worker!” He said, holding out a hand to Mr. Aceti. He smiled and took Mitch’s outstretched hand.

  “Nice to meetcha! I’m Jerome Aceti.” He replied and shook Mitch’s hand.


For the next three hours, the two bonded over chips and soda that Jerome had brought. They had divided the jobs. Jerome was in charge of watching the power level and Mitch was watching the cameras. Mitch glanced over his shoulder to peak at the hallway and for an horrifying instant, he could have sworn that there was someone there. He blinked and the apparition was gone. Mitch narrowed his eyes and turned on the cameras, checking the ones closest to them. Jerome looked up from the power gage.

 “What’s up? Something happen?” He asked, setting down the half empty liter of soda and crossing the room to stand next to his new friend, who looked like he just saw a ghost.

  “I- er.. nothing…” He said softly, as if trying to believe it himself. Jerome looked over Mitch's shoulder as he scanned the cameras. Nothing looked wrong. Until Mitch flipped on the animatronic storage closet's camera. Jerome gasped and Mitch’s heart lurched. One of the robots, Chica, was gone.
  “But!....Uh…” Jerome stumbled, trying to make sense of the disappearance of the 400 pound metal chicken. Mitch flicked to a few more cameras, until he stopped. Jerome looked at Mitch and saw the expression on his face.

  “What?!” Jerome asked, his voice shaking. Mitch pointed to the image on the camera, and Jerome had to squint to make out a dark figure in the room, standing there motionless. “Whaa…..? Is it an intruder?” He asked and Mitch thought. Then he got up and grabbed the stunning gun from the desktop.

  “I don’t know, but I’ll check. You stay here and radio me the directions.” Mitch commanded and Jerome nodded, handing him a walky-talky and his flashlight. Mitch turned and sprinted out the door. Jerome found Mitch's position and pressed the button on the talky.

  “ One left, then right, and- “ He paused, checking the figures position again,

"another left and you’re there.” He said, then he pulled over a chair to sit in, waiting for the reply.

  “Got it! Tell me if it moves.” Mitch’s voice blurted through the silence as he jogged forward. The happy halls where empty and Mitch’s stomach knotted in tension. He turned left and in front of him stood the dark figure. Mitch’s eyes widened and he dropped the stun gun in his hands. He screeched at the top of his lungs in pure fear and panic as he saw the creepy metal face smiling down on him. He turned to run, but instead he bumped into something, making a loud metal on bone clang.

The first night had begun.

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