Lost in the woods

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Kyouka looked behind her, seeing Denki completely out of breath from their constant walking. "Try and keep up, Jamming Way."
When she took another step, Kyouka tripped and nearly fell down the hill, if it wasn't for Denki grabbing her hand on time. "I got you!"
Kyouka blushed at the contact, and so did Denki.
"W-we should keep moving." "Y-yeah. Totally."

As they were about to walk, Kyouka fell over. "Hey, are you okay?" "Yeah. It's just my ankle. I think I sprained it."
Denki took the girl and put her on his back. "What are you..." "If your ankle is twisted, it won't be any good if you continued walking." Kyouka blushed. "Look at you, being smart."
Denki blushed. "Yeah."

The duo continued walking, until Kyouka broke the silence. "Why are you doing this? I mean, this doesn't seem like something you would do."
Denki began to mentally freak out. "Um, well, just, you know..." "Know what?" "I can't be a hero if I'm cowardly, right?"
Kyouka gave a look of suspicion, obviously not believing the electric quirk user. "Okay, fine! The truth is..." Denki took a deep breath. "I'm trying to impress you." "What? Why?" "Because I... like you", mumbled Denki.

"I said I like you! As in I want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Silence hung in the air. Kyouka blushed. "Why?" "Huh?" "Why do you like me? I'm not like other girls?" "Why? Cause you have snake arms?"
Kyouka glared at Denki. "Sorry. But truthfully, that's the reason I like you. You stand out. You're special."
Kyouka blushed even more. "Kaminari, could you put me down for a moment?" "Um, okay?"
The earphone jack girl was gently sat onto the ground. Before Denki could rise up, his shirt was grabbed and his lips met Kyouka's.

"I like you too, idiot."

. . .

"Katsuki! Wait up!", cried Camie. Bakugo turned around to see his girlfriend struggling to climb up the slope. He held out his hand, which she took. He hoisted her up, making her stand beside him.
"Thanks." "Your welcome."

Kirishima caught up to them, with Mina on his back. "Look at the happy couple", teased Mina. Bakugo scoffed and walked ahead. "What? I'm not wrong, am I?"
"No, you're not, Mina", said Kirishima. Camie sighed. "What's up, Cam? You sound like you're down in the dumps." Camie looked at the couple. "Well, me and Katsuki have been dating for about a month and a half now, and he still doesn't do more."
Mina and Kirishima looked at each other, smirking.
"Do more, heh?"
Camie blushed and waved her hands. "No, we already did that, what I really want..."
The fawn haired girl sighed.

"I want him to say he loves me."

Little did the girl know, Bakugo was listening to every word. He looked down to the ground in guilt.

. . .

Momo yelped as her foot slipped on a wet rock, and she would've nearly fallen into the river if it weren't for her partner.
"You okay?", asked Shoto. Momo nodded, with an obvious blush on her face.  Shoto pulled the black haired female up to her feet.

Shoto walked ahead until the space around him was empty. "Todoroki?" "Stay back, Yaoyorozu."
Shoto aimed his hand at the ground beneath him and blasted ice on the spot, creating an ice tower that reached above the trees.
The dual haired teen scouted the perimeter, searching for the rest of his classmates. Then something caught his eye. A rocky hill that also reached above the trees, with a strange structure on top of it.

From below the ice tower, Momo saw Shoto create an ice slide, which the young male slid down.
"There's a hill not far from here. Since my ice can't last long, we should go there, create a signal for the others, then meet them there."
Momo thought on his idea, and nodded. "Great idea, Todoroki! So which direction is this hill?" Shoto turned around a bit and pointed ahead after stopping. "That way."
He grabbed Momo's hand and dragged her deeper into the forest. The female blushed at the contact. "Sh-Shoto." "Hm?" Shoto looked down at their intertwined hands and grew a red tint on his cheeks. "Sorry." "W-well, I didn't exactly hate it..." There was a silence between the two. Shoto slowly stretched out his hand, which was grabbed by Momo.
The duo slowly walked further into the woods, faces as red as tomatoes.

. . .

Ochako walked through the woods, a face of determination on.
"My my, I've seen feisty female shinigami, but never human ones", said Ryuk. Iida glared at him. "Don't joke in situations like this." "Situations like what? A girl trying to bring her dead boyfriend back from the dead in exchange for a few years of her lifespan?"

Iida ground his teeth. "I can't let her do this, but there is no changing her mind."
The trio stopped walking, having come across a rocky hill. Ochako started climbing. Ryuk cackled. "Sucks to be you." The god of death flew up to the top. Ochako and Iida kept climbing until they reached the top.

"About time. Look who else made it here", said Ryuk, pointing at Shoto and Momo. "Uraraka! Iida!"
From another side, Kirishima, Mina, Bakugo, and Camie arrived.
"Finally! We found you guys!", exclaimed Bakugo. Finally, Denki and Kyouka made it, hands intertwined. "You okay?", asked the electric quirk user. Kyouka nodded, kissing his cheek. "Thanks for asking."
Mina squealed. "Oh my-! Are you two-? YES!"
Ryuk hovered to the front of the group.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you... the portal to the shinigami world!"

The teens looked at a stone structure that rested before them.

"As a god of death, it would make sense that I can activate this", said Ryuk, rubbing his hand on the portal

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"As a god of death, it would make sense that I can activate this", said Ryuk, rubbing his hand on the portal. A purple flash appeared, and filled up the frame of the portal.
"See you on the other side, kids!" After Ryuk flew into the portal, the rest followed suit. Before Momo could enter, however, Shoto grabbed her wrist. "Yaoyorozu, I have something to say..."
Momo looked at him, blushing. "Y-yes?"
Shoto moved his hands to her shoulders.

"I need you to listen carefully..."

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