Puppy love (Kieran x Female reader)

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Summary: Kieran likes you but he tries to ignore his own feelings as he thinks you will just see him how the others see him, as a Odriscoll

Y/N -> Your name
1006 words

Kieran couldnt help but watch as you cared for your horse before going over to take care of the other horses, he let a smile come onto his face just to lose it as he heard Micah speak next to him.

You dont have a chance with her, youre just an Odriscoll Micah said and smirked.

Kieran stayed quiet and just watched you care for the horses, he really couldnt be dealing with Micahs crap today.

You looked over your shoulder and saw Kieran and Micah both looking at you, you smiled at Kieran before flipping Micah off as he smirked at you.

I have more of a chance with her Micah said before walking away with a smirk.

You watched as Micah walked away from Kieran and smiled slightly before walking over to him, as you got closer to him you smiled at him and saw him blush slightly.

Everything ok? You asked and watched Charles throw Micah from his seat.

You laughed as Micah just laid in the dirt and Kieran couldnt help but smile a little as he found that your laugh sounded really beautiful, like music to his ears but he soon lost the smile as Micah looked over with the urge to kill.

So, whats your plans for today? You asked and smiled.

Uh, I aint sure. Probably do chores Kieran said and shrugged.

You nodded and smiled at him before waving goodbye and walking over to tell Arthur about a homestead that you saw and thought it was worth checking out, as you was leaving camp Kieran couldnt help but watch your figure disappear and worry at the thought of you getting hurt.

Time skip

You and Arthur came back to camp just as the sun was setting, the pair of you were joking around and laughing as you both dismounted and walked into camp. Kieran watched you walk over to the campfire as he was cleaning Javiers saddle for him.

Odriscoll, you better be careful with that Javier said as he walked past Kieran.

You let out a sigh as you heard Javier call Kieran by the name he hates, you turned around and saw Javier walking over to you and Arthur. You looked at Javier before talking with him.

Cmon Javier, go easy on him. He's trying his best to fit in with us You said and sat down at the table.

Fine, Ill try Javier said before smiling at you and walking over to the campfire.

You smiled and saw Arthur sit next to you, you heard Arthur chuckle slightly so you looked at him and gave him a questioning look.

You do realise that the kid likes you Arthur told you.

What makes you say that? You asked and looked at Kieran.

You smiled slightly as you saw him give your horse something to eat before walking over to his horse and brushing them down, you turned your full attention back to Arthur when you heard him chuckle again.

Its pretty obvious if you ask me, the way he looks at you when you aint watching is quite amusing Arthur said and chuckled.

You blushed slightly and smiled but lost it when you saw Micah sit opposite you with a disgusting grin on his face, you let out a sigh as you saw him looking you up and down.

Hey, fucker, eyes up here You said as you saw him looking at your chest.

Oh calm down sugar Micah said and smirked.

You rolled your eyes before getting up and moving to sit at the campfire with Javier, Sean, John and Uncle. Sean looked at you before trying to cheer you up by handing you a drink, you smiled sligtly at him before taking the drink.

So what ya frowning at? Sean asked and took a sip of his drink.

Just Micah being Micah You said and took a mouthful of your drink.

Calm down there chica, youll finish your first drink before John at this rate Javier said and chuckled.

Let me enjoy this You said and chuckled.

After a while you found out that you drank more drinks then you should of have, whilst being drunk you slapped Micah about three times for harassing you and the other girls, you sang with Javier and Sean, you took Arthurs hat more then once and you spent most of the night clinged to Kieran.

Uh Miss Y/N, I think you should go and sleep off the alcohol Kieran suggested and walked you to your tent.

As you get to your tent you asked Kieran to stay with you through the night, at first Kieran was hesitant to say yes but as soon as he saw Micah watching your drunk self he thought it would be better if he stayed.

Kieran helped you get ready for bed and turned around when you started to get changed and only turned back around when you gave him the all clear.

As you was laying down on your cot you outstretched your arms to Kieran with a smile on your face, first Kieran was scared to climb in and hug you but soon gave in as you gave him the puppy eyes. As Kieran was laying with you, you smiled and snuggled more into him.

You are so cute You said as you closed your eyes.

Kieran blushed and held you close to him, this was the first time in a while that Kieran actually felt happy and safe and he didnt want this moment to end but he knew it would end in the morning, the moment you will wake up is the moment that Kieran would start panicking and wonder what you would think of him but right now he was focusing on the now and the moment he was in with you.

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