Father figure (Hosea x Female reader)

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Summary: Dutch finds you in Valentine trying to steal a horse to make your travels easier but when things don’t go to plan he steps in and helps you, after a while with being with the gang you still feel like an outcast but try to ignore your feelings but one gang member sees right through and tries to help you feel like you are wanted.

Y/N -> Your name.
Y/H/N -> Your horses name.
895 words

As Dutch was walking out of the Valentine saloon he heard shouting come from near the stable, Dutch was surprised to see a young woman trying to steal a horse at first he found it entertaining until he saw how young you looked. He quickly took action and came to your side to help you.

“Is there a problem here?” Dutch asked and looked at you.

“Yes there is a problem, I just caught her trying to steal a horse” The stable hand said.

“How much for the horse?” Dutch asked.

“$130.00” The stable hand and looked at Dutch.

Dutch went in his pocket before pulling out the right amount of money and paying the stable hand, you watched as the stable hand went back in the stable and left you with the horse. You looked at Dutch and saw him smiling at you.

“Thank you” You said and smiled back at him.

“Don’t mention it, do you have anywhere to stay?” Dutch asked before whistling for his horse.

“Not really, I just stay all over the place” You tell him.

Dutch nodded before mounting up and looking at you.

“I have a camp not far from here, you are welcome to join if you want” Dutch told you.

“Thank you” You said and followed him to horseshoe overlook.

Once you got to camp Dutch introduced you to all the camp members and let you know that you would be sharing a tent with Sadie, you smiled and thanked him for his kindness before he went to his tent. You looked around and saw that everyone was already talking with each other or doing something to help the camp.

You let out a sigh before going over to feed the chickens, even though you now had people around you still felt lonely. As you put the bucket down near the chicken coop you heard laughing come from the campfire, you looked over and saw that Sean must of told a joke or something you sadly smiled to yourself before going over and sitting near your horse.

“We still have each other though Y/H/N” You said and smiled.

You felt Y/H/N gently nibble your shoulder and you slightly laughed, you looked up at the sky and saw that night was slowly creeping in. You sighed before getting up and going over to the tent you now shared with Sadie.

The next day

As you woke up you let out a sigh before getting up and starting the day, you could already tell that it was going to be a slow one. Once you walked out the tent you saw that everyone was either talking to each other or having some stew, you walked over to the stew pot and noticed that no one acknowledged you and secretly it hurt but you brushed it off and sat at the table by yourself.

After you finished your stew you went over and moved the hay to feed the horses as you was moving the last hay stack Hosea couldn’t help but noticed how you would distance yourself from the camp and he couldn't help but feel sorry for you so he stood up and walked over to you.

“Hello Miss Y/N” Hosea said and smiled at you.

“Oh, hello. Um” You said and tried to remember his name.

“Hosea” Hosea helped you and smiled.

“Right, Hosea. Sorry there’s just so many names in my mind right now” You said and petted your horse.

“That’s ok, you just seemed lonely so I thought I would come and keep you company” Hosea said and smiled.

You smiled back at him and then found yourself spending most of the day with Hosea. After a while you had to help Sean with robbing a homestead but as soon as you came back Hosea was the first one to welcome you back and make sure that you was ok.

“Did Sean look after you alright?” Hosea asked and made sure that you didn’t have any wounds.

“She looked after me to be honest, great shot she is” Sean said before walking into camp.

You chuckled slightly before walking back to camp with Hosea, you then saw what Hosea was up to he made it so the two of you was sat at the campfire so you didn’t feel so lonely. You smiled at him as John started talking to you, Hosea smiled to himself before secretly getting up and heading to his tent.

A few months later

After being in the gang for so long you started warming up to everyone and saw what everyone else saw with the gang, a family but out of all the members you was closer to Hosea, just recently you started calling him dad but he didn’t mind he actually found it really sweet and he wouldn’t change it for anything.

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