Magic man (Trelawny x Female reader)

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Summary: Trelawny shows you his affection for you by showing you some magic tricks

Y/N -> Your name
(Takes place at clemens point)
(771 words)

The day started with you sitting at a table with Hosea whilst reading a book but listening to what he had to say, as you heard Hosea finish talking about his hunting trip with Arthur, you heard Dutch come back into camp. You looked at the camp entrance and saw Dutch walk in with Trelawny behind him, you smiled before quickly shutting your book and running to Trelawny.

Trelawny chuckled as he watched you run up to him before collecting you in his arms and spinning you around.

"Someone missed me?" Trelawny asked and looked at you.

"Of course, I was wondering when you was coming back" You said and smiled.

Trelawny smiled back at you before kissing your cheek, you chuckled as you saw Dutch smile and walk away.

"I haven't seen you since Valentine" You said and leaned your forehead against his shoulder.

Trelawny smiled and held you closer, you smiled and wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him. Trelawny smiled at you before picking you up and walking over to the table and sitting down with you on his lap.

You smiled and leaned your head against his chest and held his hand whilst watching people enjoy themselves at the campfire.

"How have you been?" Trelawny asked and retested his chin on the top of your head.

"I've been alright" You said and tilted your head to kiss under his chin.

Trelawny smiled at you before holding you closer and kissing the side of your head. You let out a small chuckle before relaxing against him again.

"Hold on dear, what's this behind your ear?" Trelawny asked.

You looked at him with a confused look before you saw him pull a little flower out from behind your ear, you blushed and chuckled before carefully taking the flower and kissing his cheek.

"A beautiful flower for a beautiful lady" Trelawny said and smiled at you.

"Trelawny, you flirt" You said and blushed slightly.

Trelawny chuckled before gently pecking your lips, you chuckled before playfully pecking his lips back.

"You're adorable" Trelawny complemented and gently ran his thumb over your cheek.

You smiled and continued to blush but leant into his touch, Trelawny watched you and smiled at the sight of being relaxed.

"I love you" You said and looked at him.

"I love you too dear" Trelawny said and smiled at you.

You smiled back at him before leaning up to kiss him, Trelawny smiled before kissing you back and pulling you closer. You chuckled into the kiss before playfully pulling away, Trelawny playfully pouted at you before kissing your cheek.

"You are my everything" You said and snuggled against him.

Trelawny smiled and held you protectively against him, after a while the sun had start to set and Trelawny had noticed that you had fell asleep against him.

Trelawny chuckled before carefully standing up with you in his arms and carrying you over to your tent, once you was on your bed Trelawny took your shoes and jacket off and placed them at the end of the bed before climbing in with you.

The next day

You woke up hugging Trelawny close tou you, you smiled at the sleeping magician before carefully playing with his hair and quietly humming. Trelawny stirred in his sleep before holding you closer to him.

You smiled slightly before hearing that everyone else was awake, you decided that it was time for you and Trelawny to wake up as well.

"Trelawny, time to get up" You quietly said.

"Five more minutes dear" Trelawny said and rolled onto his back.

You chuckled quietly before smirking slightly, you carefully climbed on his lap and leaned down to place light kisses on his neck. Trelawny quietly groaned and placed his hands on your hips, you chuckled but carried on kissing his neck and saw that he still had his eyes shut.

"Trelawny, come on" You whispered in his ear and gently moved your hips against his.

"Darling" Trelawny said but opened his eyes.

"Good, you're awake now. Time to start the day" You said and got off his lap.

"Darling that wasn't fair now" Trelawny said and chuckled whilst watching you.

You smiled before looking at him and winking, Trelawny chuckled before watching you leave the tent. You knew that he would get you back later that day but right now you was focusing on doing your daily chores before Miss Grimshaw was at your neck.

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