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I use to love playing this game constantly. I had so many accounts, jobs, and money it was really addicting.

I guess an ex of mine showed me this game. It was quite fun since I would play with them a lot. Later I would always play the game with others.

I even got so hooked I spent so much on Nexon cash. I was so dumb, but it was worth it haha!

I still have to say after so many years, I have not defeated the Zakum. That is like a goal for all the people that would play. Oh well, maybe one day.

I remember that white lady legend on the game. Still to this day I wonder....is it true? God so many haunted things in that game. Just like the black cat in the mining arena.

I remembered playing on so many private servers. I know that is technically cheating, but it was so much more thrilling knowing I can level up easier, and can make a shop without spending actual cash. I need more people to play with me.

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