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I love to draw. Since I was a child I would always love to buy colorful utensils to help me create my masterpieces.

I never would draw stick figures. I always thought that was a poor way to show your creativity. It was an easy way out of a truly marvelous creation.

I don't quite remember my first drawings as a child. I would always remember my mother drawing our family, and her drawings inspired me to want to draw more.

Even the television show Arthur has inspired me a lot. The 'Lets Talk To Some Kids' segments would show kids drawing. Sure they were poorly drawn, but the variety of colors always inspired me to create more.

I decided to take my drawing skills to the next level when I purchased my first drawing tablet. It made my drawings more colorful, and realistic.

I began to draw portraits of people, chibi, anime, and much more. The works are quite time consuming, but the satisfaction when they are completed always puts a smile to my face.

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