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Utaite Trap Singer

I love singing. I guess my biggest inspiration is Britney Spears haha! Her voice is so unique, and I just fell in love with her. Till this day she continues to make wonderful music.

As a child I would always sing her songs. I guess female singers sung more catchy songs than male singers. Now I guess I prefer male singers.

I guess I would catagorize myself as a Utaite cover singer since I mostly sing Japanese Volcaloid covers. They are so fucking catchy.

I started practicing different tones when I would sing Volcaloid songs, and I thought to myself, 'hey it would be awesome if I could do both the male and female tones in a song.'

I would practice a lot to try to get higher pitches in my voice since my voice is naturally kinda low. Now I guess I can say it's pretty easy to sing in both a male, and female's voice. I love confusing people on the phone haha!

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