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In one of the rooms of the resort, Chishiya explained the process of the black envelope that held the code. He proceeded to explain his plan to all four of us, telling us our roles. Everyone silently listened, focused on the having the right mindset, and making sure the plan executed.

"What about the passcode?" Arisu asked.

"I have an idea about that...I'll tell when you're in front of the safe." He said, pausing in the middle.

How deceiving.

"You're really cautious...I got it." Arisu determinably pointed out, grabbing the walkie-talkie from the blond male.

"The rest will be on the lookout." Chishiya concluded, looking at the us. I faced downward as he handed the other two their devices. Giving me longer eye contact than the rest, I looked up to meet his eyes. However, he diverted his contact once I met it, turning to face forward.

Suddenly breaking the silence, Usagi let us know about her concerns and hesitance in the plan. Chishiya doesn't sound out a single word, knowing the risk.

If only Usagi knew that he doesn't give a shit...


Carrying out the plan, the militants currently announced the news of the Hatter and proclaimed Aguni as the new leader. Listening to Niragi barking like a chihuahua, I watched Chishiya make a quick notice.

"Now, what Niragi said is everything." Aguni's deep voice boomed through the room. The blond male was hidden above them all, standing beside a pillar.

"The new leader is making a speech in the lobby. All executive members and the militants are at the annex. We won't get another chance like this." He said into his walkie-talkie, letting his arm drop once he finished. He walked around the pillar seeing me standing near the entrance of the floor's hallway. Subtly nodding at me before he returned back into position.


"Masked. You won't be monitoring the halls. You'll be blending in with the militants, insight you could say." He said, looking up after whispering that into my ear.

"Arisu and Usagi are just baits."


Secretly joining all the executives and militants on the floor below, I stood next to the random men that were a part of the gang. Reaching behind my pocket, I turned off the given device to avoid any confrontations.

"With Hatter gone as the previous number one, I now have full control of the Beach. Follow my orders, live for me, and...die for me." Aguni concluded, looking at the people from above in superiority. Moving to the edge, I rested my arms on the railing, smirking with content. Subtly, looking up at Chishiya, he made signals to soon reveal the false plan to the militants. Blinking a couple times, he left the top floor, making his way to blend in with the executives where I was at.

Niragi turned around and spotted me with the group, he eyed me before giving me a huff.

"When did you ever become one with us?" He asked, walking toward me with his gun aggressively swinging. The others didn't give much attention to us, but still listened in, especially Aguni.

"Never, but I have to report suspicious behavior." I smiled, giving a mocking bow. Niragi grumbled, pointing his gun at my forehead. He looked absolutely maniacal.


"Hm, a certain two new recruits are looking for the safe. Don't you think you should something about that?" I informed, looking past Niragi, and at Aguni. He had a serious expression plastered onto his face, not like it was any different of course.

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