Chapter 5: A Place Of Beginning and A Place Of Hope

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Og MV shenanigans.

Also, new font/writing style setup!

ErRoR, if I'm not lazy. If I am then Error.

Nightmare, Passive Noot

Everyone else.




Pearly white fingers flexed.

He stood.

A white boned, purple eyed skeleton stood where a fearsome bringer of negativity once was.

He could feel the positive aura of Dream.

Nightmare looked up and walked towards it.


He sighed.

"Yes. Now leave, I have business." Nightmare stalked off, seconds away from attacking Dream.


But Nightmare was gone before Dream could speak a word.


Blue curled up in the Omega timeline, mourning with Core!Frisk.

"We..." Frisk choked out. "We should get the Toriels to arrange a funeral at Life's garden."

"'s a great idea. Let's go inform Lady Life." The starry-eyed skeleton's Royal Guard training - caringly given to him by Cross - kicked in as he slammed emotions to the back and let logic rule his brain. "It is only logical."  

Frisk stayed silent about the change, then disappeared.

They had a funeral to plan, after all.


Lust sat, eyelights fuzzy.


Why had Error so caringly protected him?

Why did his magic just seem so...gentle, yet broken into thousands of little glass shards?

He refused to be one in an army of the blind.

The loving skeleton stood up and walked through a heart-shaped portal.

He had a certain blue skeleton to talk to.


Blue paused as he noticed a wisp of magic.

Lust walked out of his signature portal.

"Please..." He said, with deep pink tears pricking at his eyesockets. "Please tell me what I'm missing."

The 'mascot' of the Star Sanses's shocked expression morphed into a sad smile.

"It's been time for you to realise something was up."


Lust shuffled uncomfortably.

"Who is he?" He asked, staring at the purple-eyed skeleton.

"You will find out in time." Said skeleton replied, an odd smile gracing his face.

"Alright." Blue said. "We will start with a tale of a universe long gone, destroyed by an entity beyond our reach..."


"You mean the entity just ripped a Sans out of his universe!?"

"Oh that bitc-"

"Wait...the Antivoid?"


"Oh no..."

By the end of everything, Lust was sobbing.

"How could've he gone through all that...losing everything just to be beaten down and tortured by the people he was protecting?"

Blue just smiled.

"Because he was protecting. What he did in his final moments? He saved us from a slow, AU crashing induced death." A white fleck flashed in his eye. The black-adorned skeleton shook his head and brushed away Lust's tears with a gentle, gloved hand.

"It's okay. We just need to bring HOPE in his memory."


Nightmare stood awkwardly in the background.

"Um...this is nice and all, but..." He gestured to himself.

Blue jumped a little and Lust cringed.

"Sorry, Nigh-" The purple skeleton shot the Star Sans a look. "gghhhhtlight! Yep! Sorry Nightlight!"

Lust side-eyed the energetic skeleton and shook his head a little.

"What do we do now?" He questioned, tilting his skull to the side a little.

Blue sagged a little.

"Plan a funeral, and get you a funeral outfit."


Orrek drooped.

"bUt...i ThOUghT yoU sAID yOu wOUlD heLp mE..."

Error realised his mistake.

"oH- OH nO, ThaT'S noT wHAt I mEAnT bY tHAt...thIs mUlTIVersE is DoOmED anYWayS, sCReW It." He shook his head. "I'Ll taKE dEStRoYeR pOsiTIoN fOr NOw, tO KEeP tHe BALanCe."

Kin looked shocked.

"Balance? I'm sorry, what do you mean by...balance?"




That explained so much.

"oH. I thOUghT yOu kNEw." The glitches said in tandem.

And so much was explained.


"Oh gosh..." Kin sobbed a little. "I am so, so sorry!"

"sHh, iT'S okAy. YOuR unIVeRsE iS yOUnG aND yOu HaVE mUCh To LeaRn. NoW, I tHInK wE hAVe A trUCe tO SeT uP, yEs?"

"Y-yeah." Kin sniffed. "A truce. Peace."

And things were okay for just a moment.


"dIBs On NoT bEiNg ThE oNe tO tElL thE oThER SANseS!"



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