𑁍┊chapter 1 ˎˊ˗

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୧ *·˚ act I

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୧ *·˚ act I.┆↰

It was cold, to cold for your liking. All you wanted to do was find out where you were, you could tell you were nowhere near inazuma, by the looks of it you weren't even close.

The last thing you remember was falling asleep under a tree around the afternoon. Suddenly you woke up in a shore of a beach while laying on a wooden boat with nothing but your staff.

You aimlessly looked around, trying to look for help but ended up in a
mountain that was overly to cold. You being the unlucky person you were, you had encountered a Fatui skirmisher.

You tried to not make yourself visible by crouching but since the gods hate you your foot had stepped on a small stick catching the attention of the annoying creatures. Even though you could've just  defended yourself, you were already tired of walking around aimlessly for hours, so , you did what was the best option at the moment.

You ran.

Which led you here, in the middle of a blizzard in the coldest mountain you've ever stepped foot on.

You rubbed your hands, trying to get friction, it did give you heat, but barely enough.

Soon the cold air turned glacial , you trembled as you hugged yourself.

You did try to go back but the blizzard didn't let you,it was way to strong for your exhausted state to fight threw.

You couldn't bring yourself to walk anymore,you were exhausted  from running, walking, worrying that you might never see your home again after you were thrown into another region you had no information about.

You had to push your body to move, which, only exhausted you more.

You tried to take another step but your body beat you to it. You legs had completely given out causing you to fall on your weak knees, your hands flatly laying on the cold thick snow. Your arms were soon about to give out as well, the weight of holding up your body soon was unbearable causing your arms to giving an end to their daily strength.

Your face fell on its side on the snow, your cheek laying flat. Your body trembled as you curled up into a ball.

Is this really it? Is this how you die? You weren't expecting the time to come this quickly. Well, that's life for you. Anything could happen. And now, you were gonna die, freeze to death. Knowing that you will never know where where ended up on or which region.Knowing that you've never heard someone say 'I love you' expect for relatives that you will never see again, knowing that your about to die alone. With no-one.

Your eyelids became heavy—no! What're you thinking?! you didn't want to die!, not like this! not now! You fought your eyelids to stay open but even if you tried to rub them with your cold, shaky hands they still managed to have the upper hand.

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