Part six-Finale: Leave it in the Lake

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(I hope you're ready for a long one)
Friday 3:48 PM Y/n POV
Its finally Friday and I have really been missing Jessica so much. I've grown sick of trying to fight feelings for her because I severely like her and I want to see her more! I'm almost done with School and tonight I was going to see her. The past four days let me catch up on any School and sleep so I was clear and clean to see her. I was either going to sneak off or come up with a story for her being my girlfriend, she could totally pass for a friend at least... as soon as I got her some new clothing and get her properly cleaned up.
Throughout the week I'd spoken to Sidney and Quincy a few times, like me they were either praised or shat on for surviving over others but they didn't care what it was. Quincy and I discussed the whole situation and I asked what he was doing before she got to him. He told me about Charli and everything she said to him, that brought him to be quite upset. I tried to comfort him but he was down in the dumps from that... of course she always had sex eyes and nothing else. Poor kid.
I feel like Sidney is trying to sniff out my lies which she is still going along with for now. Something about her act was different, she didn't seem like herself. She felt like sassy Velma from Mystery Incorporated... perhaps not only the attempted murder and my "survival" but possibly the rejection? I may be reading too far into it...
I must move along and go home now! I headed straight home after school and ran right into my room, dropping everything off and coming up with an excuse to leave. My mother was still worried about me leaving the house beside school. Nobody ever found the killer and they don't know what they look like. All they have is blood, dead bodies of Seventeen and eighteen year olds, Axe marks, a mult-timed closed camp, and three survivors. She has every right to be worried but I know what I'm getting myself into. I'm already deep inside... haha. Anyway, I decided to come up with the story I had as soon as my mother arrived I'd give the story.

Y/n: Hey Mom, I need to tell you something

Mom: Hey sweetie. Okay, What's up?

Y/n: I erm... I met someone, last week.

Mom: How so? Like a girl?

Y/n: Y-yeah... I um, we we're supposed to hang out after school this week but... ya know

Mom: Oh, well I'm happy for you but I'm still not comfortable with what's going on

Y/n: Right... Mom you know I can take care of myself, I have my knife still, and I made it out of that place! I'll be safe.

Mom: I understand you made it out, but I don't like it! W-What if they track you down or something! I don't want someone to hurt you

Y/n: It's been a week since the incident, Besides I'm sure we we're only attacked because we went to the Killer! I'd go right to... Jessica's place and stay for awhile then come home. The look on her face showed happiness I met someone but also severe worry still

Mom: she came over and hugged me tight Alright... I trust you'll be safe. Please call me, for anything!

Y/n: I will Mom, don't worry. I hugged back I'll be back later. I ran to my room, grabbed my keys, wallet, phone, and my jacket. I was going to stop somewhere before meeting up with her.
I was going to buy her some stuff, new clothes to get her out of those rags. I was just going to bring some of my clothes but she's taller than me so that wouldn't work

4:26 PM Both POV
Jessica: It's been forever since I've seen my little Y/n. I miss him so much! The time has moved so slow since I last saw him, now I finally have something... someone for myself and when I'm not with them everything slows to a hault. There haven't been many people coming around since last week, a few children to scare away and one curious stupid couple just today is nothing much but I don't mind. Something to pass the time isn't too bad.
What did pass the time was thinking a certain way about my cutie... those thoughts started to come back Ugh! I get so hot and heavy thinking about him but then I also get slammed with guilt. Me? Guilty? I don't understand! I'm happy to have him around and to please me... hell, The last time we did have sex he didn't let me finish him until I finished!
He's so sweet to me but that's only because of what I did. I think I brainwashed him. I've never felt sorry for someone like this before, sure miss my mother deeply but... this is new. I don't know what to do. I'm hiding it under my pleasure at this point but I just don't know... All of a sudden I heard a knock Y...Y/n?

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