Part One I feel like im in a movie

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(I'm currently editing the story as I'd prefer better writing and skills I've learned in the last year, hopefully it'll be better to go along with the next few chapters I'm currently writing)
You're currently packing for the camping trip with your friends. You were somewhat reluctant to go until they mentioned the name of the camp. Camp Crystal Lake. The legend of Jessica Voorhees has intrigued you for over 8 years in many different ways, now you finally get to see if it is true!
Y/n POV 3:56 Pm
Jonathan (Friendly Jock pal): Come on Man, let's get going!

Y/n: alright-alright! Hang on a minute I don't wanna forget anything. Grabs phone, Tablet, Chargers, keys, headphones, and your bag of clothes, shower gear Toothbrush, toothpaste and your large pocket knife. I opened the knife. Never know what could happen...

Jonathan: You have so much Shit, man. What do you thinks gonna happen? The apocalypse or something?

Y/n: No! it's a 2 day stay, I like to be clean, and you know about the ledg-

Jonathan cuts you off: I Know I know! Jessica Voorhees. I know man, you really want to come across her or something. I'll meet you outside.

Y/n: I packed the last bit of my stuff, got everything together headed upstairs to give hugs and say goodbye to my mother and little brother I'll see you two later, Love you guys. I headed outside to Jonathan's car, in his backseat was also Seth and Katey. These two are always together, no matter in school or around the neighborhood they we're always locked together
~Time skip to the Camp~
We arrived around 4:30 PM, everyone had just arrived at the same time. When me and my friends parked the car we headed over to the camp to see four cabins, a very large lake *hence the name*, and our three other friends and two you'd consider assholes. Brad (Athletic Nice guy), Max (Douchebag), Sidney (Cute friendly girl), Charli (the flirty gal), and Quincy (your best Pal, Friendly Nerd).
Y/n: what's going on Quincy, ready to get slaughtered?

Quincy: dude don't talk like that, you know how nervous I am about being here, I've seen too many horror movies, Hatchet, Town that dreaded sundown, My bloody valentine... I could keep going?

Y/n: I understand, I've seen my fair share as well, I'm excited however. My friend Sidney then showed up excited to talk

Sidney: Hi Y/n! It's so good to see you came

Y/n: Hey Sid, nice to see you too. What's your plan for this adventure?

Sidney: Oh Just to hang out "With you" She said to herself and try not to slaughtered... your looking for that character right? You think she's real?

Y/n: You never know but if she is... then I hope I don't die. Curiosity killed the Cat however

Sidney: But satisfaction brought it back winks

Y/n: Hah... thanks Sid

Brad: Come on everyone. We looked around and There are four Cabins, each has three beds. Pick your poison. We'll come back out and get some fire pit crap going when we're settled
I went to one Cabin with Quincy and Jonathan. Max and Brad go to one. Seth and Katey head to another, Sidney and Charli head to the last one. I unpacked my things find outlets for charges and... no power I should've known I picked my bed, text my mom that I'm here, and headed back outside with the others

Max: Okay... we need power. Why the fuck didn't we think of this?

Brad: chill out man, we'll look around for generators or something, the power still works at this place I talked to the groundskeeper a few days ago. She was very shady though While they look for the generators or Power supply I snuck away from the rest of the group and looked around the other side of the camp.

Jessica POV
I began to hear voices again, I just got done with that stupid sheriff, the new Groundskeeper, and now there's probably a load of teens out there! Ugh it never stops. I walked outside to see what the damage is. Hopefully it's not that many.
I saw a young boy that was maybe around eighteen with a Jean Jacket, jeans, and Navy Converse. He's not coming this way but I think he's looking for something, I wondered if I should kill him here and now but curiosity hits me so I just watch him. Someone yells to him "Y/N, WHERE'D YOU GO?" Y/n... that's a cute name "Damn it... maybe I'll look around later tonight" he says, I wonder if he is looking for me? Does he know about me?

Y/n POV a few hours later 7:23 Pm

Max: So Y/n and Quincy...... finally gonna get laid tonight?

Charli: Yeahhh, I was wondering the same thing~ she says in a seductive tone while Looking at Quincy

Quincy: I mean... I'm sure nobody here is looking at me, like always... (blind fool!)

Y/n: Fuck off Max, besides... I can't, I have a plan

Jonathan: Right, let me remind you guys, Y/n is planning on getting fucked by Jessica Voorhees. I gave Jonathan a death stare as everyone began to laugh

Seth: You're still on that? I hope you find what you're looking for

Brad: I did see an old building with dead trees and leaves back around that area He pointed to where I was at earlier*

Y/n: Right, Thanks Brad

Kate: Aren't you a little nervous about The Whole story? I wouldn't want to aggravate anything?

Quincy: I'm pretty sure we already have, that's how it works in the movies! You go to the killer and they get you for trespassing!

Max: Well the Virgin always survives so I guess we're screwed... besides you two He points at me and Quincy

Sidney: Me too, guess we'll make it huh fellas?

Max: Wait a minute! You're a virgin?!?

Jessica POV
I watched and listened to their conversation over the next few minutes as they sat by the campfire. I overheard that the one boy Y/n who walked near my Shack is looking... for me indeed and... wants me to have sex with him?
Maybe that's just his friends being weird but I've never had anyone interested in me before, everyone was frightened of the way I looked as a kid and now... even more some drunk pricks will be attracted to my body before they die a slow death but that's another topic. I plan to make my move very soon to get them all, except for... Y/n, I think I'll leave him for myself

Y/n: So are you guys gonna sit out here all night?

Sidney: Why? Gonna go look around in the dark?

Y/n: Probably. Sounds like fun right?

Jonathan: It's your funeral...

Y/n: Yeah, I think I'm gonna go look for it. Besides, that whole event was almost 40 years ago. I'll be right back! I walked away like Stu from Scream

Quincy: Why did you say that?!? I laughed See you on the other side buddy.
As I start to leave I noticed Charli advancing on Quincy, maybe he'll finally lose that locked virginity of his. Good for him if he wants it. I headed back into the Forrest and I turned on my phones flashlight, I'm curious to see if I can discover anything at all.
After walking for about three minutes I found a creepy looking building. Looks like it was put together by some hermit... then I realized who's house that could be. Huh... "This is not a natural formation" My heart started to beat really fast. Maybe I should come back during the day I turned around and ran off.
Jessica POV
I saw the boy Y/n once again but this time he found my shack and looked very nervous "Maybe I should come back during the day". He turned and ran back. He must've gotten spooked? I wish he could've come inside, He's so cute! I wonder if he'll come with me willingly? I better make my move

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