Part Five: A New Beginning

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Let me try and fix my weirdness here.

8:45 PM
After the adventure that took place over the last two days, losing some "friends", being taken and basically raped by the killer I'd been searching for, I knew you had to return to "normal". While it's only been two days, I returned to be with Jessica even though what she did to me was wrong. I finally have a girl that probably loves me and while her act of forcing herself on me was wrong... I enjoyed it, I wanted more, I went back, and now I'm in her arms.
The night I returned to the camp to assure her I would never leave her side, I did have to tell her my situation. I couldn't forget about my mother, Brother, Quincy, Sidney, and my actual life beyond this. I had to finish my senior year of school and probably hide this relationship from those I care about! Imagine my mother or best friend finding out I'm sleeping with a killer. I can't imagine the outcome. It's going to be a challenge to figure this out.
As Jessica and I walked toward her shack I decided to tell her.

Y/n: Jessica?

Jessica: Yes cutie?

Y/n: I need to tell you my situation, before we do anything more. I'm still in School and I have a life outside of what we're going to do. I erm... I want you to understand if I can't always be with you. I stuttered somewhat as I was nervous how she'd respond

Jessica: School... I never got to enjoy School very much. But I understand. When exactly can you come around? she began tearing off the police tape from her shack Because you will, you promised!

Y/n: Oh, well At least twice a week, maybe more if I can convince my mother I'm seeing someone. I do want to be around you, I swear!

Jessica: I faced away from him while clenching my fists, concealing my anger I relaxed for once I... believe you. I trust you!

Y/n: She turned to me and I nodded

Jessica: Good! Now come on, I already miss the sensation of having sex with you

Y/n: She sent a sharp smirk toward me as she grabbed my hands Oh... already then? You're uh... you're a really horny Jess

Jessica: Well yeah, Ive never experienced anything like this before! You're the first boy who's actually...

Y/n: Was I your... first?

Jessica: Yes, yes you were. I said that in an unhappy tone. I was happy to finally have someone but...

Y/n: I see Jess... let's do it, I'd love to please you again I smiled

Jessica: Thank you I brought him inside, took my jacket off, dropped my pants only leaving my underwear, and He began to blush. I smiled at him while something inside me felt... weird. No matter right now!

Y/n: Okay, here we go I smiled back at her nervously and went to her. She pulled me up to her and began to kiss me...

Jessica: Minutes in I began to feel worse within my actions. It sure felt nice and he was being very good with me again. I didn't have to force anything on him this time, he was just somewhat nervous. I was rough with him somewhat but I didn't want to hurt him this time.
Something was really different. We had sex quite a few times throughout the night and each time this feeling grew, I'm not sure what it was but I felt it more and more. Somethings wrong here

6:37 AM Y/N POV
Y/n: I awoke with Jessica, both of us naked, and I was gripped tightly in her strong arms. I wasn't very sleepy but I was very sore. She was rough with me last night and needless to say that I enjoyed it! I know I shouldn't but... I like her. Erm... I hope she did as well! But now I needed to head home quickly, school starts at 8:30 so I had less than two hours to go home and get ready. Jessica? Jess?

Jessica: Hi Cutie I Hugged him tight Did you sleep Okay?

Y/n: O-ow, oh yeah, Hehe I slept like an angel I looked away, let's say in fear. I do have to go

Jessica: Aww man!... Well... Okay, I guess you should clean yourself up before you go to School. When will be the next time I see you?

Y/n: I'd like to come back sometime this week but if not, I'll be back Friday night, four days from now! I promise

Jessica: hmph, that's so far away! But... I believe your promises now. Right, okay I hug him tight again

Y/n She's gonna crush me eventually! I return the hug and kiss her cheek. She then lets me go and I get up and ready* Maybe when I come back we can venture out of here?

Jessica: Oh? I'd love too! That would be very nice

Y/n: Right, I'll see you then. Bye Jess

Jessica: Bye Y/n... He ran off as I watched him go. The feeling still within me I went back inside to get dressed

11:32 AM Y/n POV

Y/n: I made it back home safe without getting in trouble or anything without getting in trouble. I showered, got ready, and headed to school. I hadn't seen Sidney or Quincy just yet but it's lunch now. Plenty of kids and some of the staff mourned the loss of the others. I had some people either congratulate or shun me for being one of three to make it out alive. As I limped around sorely I went to the library to look for Sidney since that's where we always sat together and there she was looking anxious Sid?

Sidney: Y/N! Hi!

Y/n: Hey you, how are you holding up? I sat next to her

Sidney: I'm okay, well... my leg is quite messed up of course

Y/n: Yeah I see, how long will you have it?

Sidney: The Doctor told my mother and I that the trap hit the bone. It cracked it somewhat. Probably a month or two

Y/n: We'll... That's great! I'm glad they didn't take your leg

Sidney: Laughs Yeah me too. So... what happened to you? Did she ever reach you?

Y/n: Erm... uh S-she... uh, I didn't see her... after you got away I was going to have to keep this secret buried deep within I was out in the woods all night before I found my phone and called you back.

Sidney: Really? She just, couldn't find you?

Y/n: Erm... I guess, I guess I got lucky

Sidney: Right... well, I'm very happy you're alive

Y/n: You don't believe me?

Sidney: It's kinda hard to believe you made it all night, but I'm just happy you're okay!

Y/n: I get it... erm, have you heard from Quincy at all?

Sidney: Not yet. What about you?

Y/n: Yeah I talked to him, I think he's nursing a mild Concussion. I can't believe he made it but Charli didn't! She was found with a tree branch in her head while he just gets knocked out? Very strange I was doing my best to put on an act

Sidney: Huh, Maybe she let you guys live

Y/n: Oh... yeah totally! I let out a chuckle as the bell rang for us to get moving on Right. Well Sid, it was nice to see you and I'm glad you're okay!

Sidney: Thanks, and thanks again for saving me... We should get together sometime when you're up for it

Y/n: No problem Sid, and sure... sometime soon. Bye I waved and ran off

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