The Fifth Flasback.

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Author's POV:

" Stop avoiding me Aaliyah! It's more than a week." Ihsan said frustratedly holding her hand when she is about to leave his cabin.

" Leave my hand Ihsan." Aaliyah warned.

" What do you mean by you can't hate me? " Ihsan asked angrily.

" Are you an actor since you were born or just became one recently?" Inaya spatted.

" What are you talking about?" He frowned.

" Wow! What an actor you are Mr. Owaisi?" She twitched her lips clapping her hands.

" Aaliyah come to the point." He roared making her flinch.

" Why are you behaving as if you love me Ihsan? It's like I have pierced your heart with something." She taunted.

" Didn't you? Don't you know what I feel for you? Can't you see it in my eyes?" He yelled holding her elbow.

" Leave me. I definately don't wanna show off your surname." She said angrily and it did there. It's the same thing even his Bhabhi was asked not to do. Showoff their surname.

" And I definately don't care what you feel for me. I don't care about the one who doesn't care for other's feelings Ihsan." Aaliyah yelled and made him leave her hand.

He sat there in his chair not getting what she is saying. Whose feelings didn't he care?

He yelled in frustation and pushed the things from his table.

It's afternoon and he had to urgently collaborate with Aaliyah to send the presention to the CEO.

He called her through her intercom and she lifted it mumbling a hello.

" In my office in 2. Gotcha new work." He said monotonously and cut the call. Inaya looked at the intercom and mumbled few colourful words.

She marched to his cabin and knocked it harshly. Once she heard come in, she barged into his cabin and sat on the chair.

After 3 awful hours of them working together, they finished it. Aaliyah saved it in her pendrive and gave him a copy.

" It's my time to leave. I'll leave. Kudha Hafeez! " She said and tried to open the door.

" Not before you answer me Inaya." He said in his loudest voice.

" What do you want?" She yelled back turning towards him.

" Why do you hate me so much even though you don't?" He asked pulling her closely. She gasped feeling him this close for the first time.

" Because you rejected me." She yelled pushing him away.

" Me? When?" He frowned. Once Aaliyah realised what she blurted, she tried to run but Ihsan pulled her towards him and held her in his firm grip.

" Not this time Aaliyah." He warned seriously.

" I want the truth this time. No bull shit." He said in a cold tone making her jerk in his arms.

" Come on. Speak up." He roared making her pant in fear. Tears pooled in her eyes seeing him this ruthless.

" I visited India when I was 21." She whispered looking at him.

" I saw you walking out of M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology. You looked so handsome in that oilve jacket that I instantly fell in love with you. It was love at first sight for me Ihsan." She whispered as the tears freely flew from her eyes. She looked as if those scenes are screening infront of her.

 She looked as if those scenes are screening infront of her

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Ihsan stilled for few seconds listening to her. She have already fallen for him 3 years back itself?

 She have already fallen for him 3 years back itself?

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" I used to daily stalk you Ihsan. One day, Abbu brought me a marriage proposal asking me to marry. I rejected and he asked me wh.... ether I someone. I said that I really liked you. Even though he didn't agree at first, he eventually accepted my love towards you. He sent the proposal your house. But what you and your family did? You rejected me and your family supported you." She said hiccing up badly.

" Inaya, I agree that I got a proposal from Pakistan. But I was not ready for marriage then. I don't even know who have sent that proposal." Ihsan said the truth.

" Your reason is not justified Ihsan. My father even sent you a letter stating that I liked you and wanna make you his Son in law. But your father insulted my father really bad cause we are from Pakistan. And I would never forgive your father." She said trying not to stutter.

" Inaya, believe me! I don't know all these. I just know that I got a proposal and I rejected it." Ihsan pleaded with his eyes.

" Now. I'm too rejecting you because you are an Indian." She said and tried to walk away.

" I'm. Not. Yet. Done. Aaliyah." He said gritting his teeth.

" I was really awestruck seeing you for the first time in my cabin. No one have pulled me this hard towards them until I saw you. Now, I'm saying Aaliyah, I Ihsan Einas Owaisi love you to the moon and back." Ihsan said keeping his heart forward.

" I used to love you. But not any more." She said.

" No. You still do Jaan!" He said kissing her forehead.

" I...." Even before she open her mouth, he placed his finger on her lips shutting them completely.

" Too much drama had happened for today. I'll pack the remaining talk for the next episode. Alright?" He asked cupping her cheeks. She looked away and tried to take her hands from him after sometime.

They together left the office and walked towards their respective cars.

Aaliyah and Ihsan drove their cars to their houses. But one with a happy heart and another with the reduced burden.

Inaya quickly changed and prayed to show her the right path while Ihsan offered his Isha thanking millions to Allah.

On the other hand, Dua completely stopped talking to everyone saying the sore throat as her reason. She occasionally passed them the smiles and nodded if someone ask her some questions.

She have stopped greeting Zain and started minding her own business which is like a huge rock thrown on his heart. It really made Zain worry about her.

With Love ❤️

Word Count: 1014.

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