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Authors note: This chapter is a bit shorter than normal, because the next chapter will be published within probably the next hour.

"HOLY SCRAPBOOKS!" she yelled, and tried to shake Branch awake. She gave up and jumped out of bed, combing her hair wildly.

Branch, who was still kind of asleep under his book, mumbled something. "Mmph.. five more minutes, baby.."
She stumbled back over to him and shook him harder.

"Branch, Branch, BRANCH!" she exclaimed. Loudly.
He turned on his side, making the book fall off of his face.
And, just so you know, he didn't appreciate her wake up call.

Branch's hand snaked his way to her ear and he tugged on it, rather hard. Poppy stopped chanting his name and whimpered. "Owch! Branch, what was that for?" she asked, rubbing her ear. He turned so that he was facing her.

"That, Poppy, was for waking me up," he said as he sat up.  And then he leaned over and kissed her gently. "And that. Well, that was also for waking me up," he chuckled and slowly exited the bed.

"Now," he said, "What's got you so wound up?"

Poppy looked at him, and she realized her head was stuck at the bottom of her dress. She laughed sheepishly. "Whatever do you mean?" she asked playfully. Poppy attempted to pull herself out of her upside-down dress.

"Here, lemme help you..." Branch offered, walking over to her. They eventually got her out, and Branch tried to continue their previous conversation.

"Anyways, what's wrong?" he asked, somewhat quizzically.

"The party! Barb! The other tribal leaders! I completely forgot!" she looked like she could start sobbing at any moment. Minutes ago, she was being adorably silly, and then she was about to break down crying? Poppy ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth until her gums bled.

"Popsicle, calm down!" he urged, but it was no use. She kept on rushing around the pod, trying to finish her morning routine as quick as possible.

"How can I calm down, Branch? I've been planning their arrival for weeks And then I just miss it?" she cried. Poppy looked terribly upset, tugging on the strands of hair hanging around in her face and biting her lip raw.

"ENOUGH!" he growled, startling Poppy.

Branch stood in front of her, looking very intimidating. He wrapped his arms around her in a tight and rough hug. "Poppy, just listen," he pleaded, and she nodded a bit.

"I know that you're under a lot stress right now, but you need to calm down. Look, I know you might be a little mad, but I cancelled the party."

Poppy gasped lightly but he continued to talk.

"Pops, the leaders understand that running TrollsTopia can be hard sometimes. Even with people who love, support, care, and help you, it can be a pretty heavy burden. Dealing with controversial issues and everyday adventures, and somehow, you still have time to spend time with me and your friends,"

You always put on a happy smile, even when you feel like a wreck. That's honestly a gift, Poppy. I wouldn't be able to do that if I tried. I would snap and be grumpy and angry all the time. But not you. No, you are the most beautiful and bravest person in TrollsTopia. And no matter how many times you can deny it, you need a break every once and a while.

"I didn't want you to be stressing over a party. The leaders are our friends now, and friends understand that they don't need a big, fancy party to make them feel welcome," he finished, leaving Poppy flushed a dark pink.

Poppy was stunned a little before she crumpled into Branch's arms.

"Poppy?!" he caught her before she caught the ground.
"I love you, so, so, so, so much.." she murmured, smiling.

"I love you more, cupcake.." he said, straining to keep them both upright. Poppy turned around and gasped. "That's impossible!"

Branch mocked offense. "Are you calling me a liar?" he asked, waving his arms dramatically. Poppy grinned. "Well, maybe I am," she said, poking him.

Branch grit his teeth challengingly. "You're so gonna regret that," he hissed. She squealed and tried to run, but he caught her. He wrapped his arms around her, leaving her squirming but trapped.

Branch pinned her against the wall and smothered her in tickles and kisses. "Bran...Branchie, please! No... more!" she pleaded, panting. He shook his head.

"Nope! This is what you get for calling me a liar!" he laughed. He stopped tickling her after about a minute, but he continued to kiss her face and neck.

Branch only ceased when he heard a knock at the doorframe. They both turned their heads, and there stood Queen Barb

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