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Branch tried to clear his mind. Like, he really, really tried. But he felt so bad about the way Poppy had thought she wasn't welcome. She had just come to see him, maybe she was even stressed, and he'd just pushed her away?

The guilt was like a fog, clouding his thoughts until he could think about nothing but her saddened expression as she had looked to her feet. Not even the techno troll's constant babbling could get to him. After a while, he audibly groaned, making Synth flinch a bit.

"You okay there, Dubstep?" Synth asked, looking towards the upset pop troll. Branch rubbed at his temples and nodded. All he could do was nod. I mean, what was he supposed to say? 'Yes, now, can you ask me random questions to take my mind off of Poppy, whom I hurt accidentally?'

Synth didn't wait for a speaking response before he began chattering again. "So, I've also heard a little rumor heading around TrollsTopia. About that sweet little date night of yours," Synth smirked. "Oh?" Branch arched an eyebrow and stared at his friend curiously.

"You thinkin' about popping the question?"

And in an instant, the haze in his head was gone. Branch stiffened. "Who told you that?" he whispered. Synth shrugged and turned back to the kitchen counter, where he was slicing up an apple. "Guy told me. But I don't know who started the gossip in the first place." Branch tugged on his hair when he heard this.

How did the whole town find out? He'd told not a soul of his thinkings. He growled. Branch just needed the night to be perfect, and the last thing he wanted was the town spreading rumors. It would ruined the pure look of surprise and joy on her beautiful face when he bent down on one knee. The very expression that he was longing to achieve.

The day was not on his side, that was for sure.

He was snapped back into his bunker's kitchen when he felt a finger flick his ear. "Yo," Synth grinned, "You still there?" Branch glared at his counterpart and rubbed at his ear. "Yeah, and I'm just peachy," Branch deadpanned.

Synth picked up on his sarcasm and decided he was best off quiet. Although, Branch was needing to talk to someone about his troubles. If it weren't for his current situation, he would've bolted to Poppy's pod faster than she could throw glitter in someone's face.

His mind wandered to the many memories stored in his brain that were of him and Poppy. He remembered a particular memory that he was fond of.

Poppy was singing, spinning around, and swaying her hips. Why, you might ask? Well, she'd just gotten out of the shower. And I know that doesn't seem like something to sing and dance about, but, you've got to remember that this is Queen Poppy we're talking about.

"Nah, I don't need no man,
And I'd sure like it that way,
Nobody messin' with my plans,
But, sure, I gotta say,

I like bein' in deep love,
Heart flyin' like a dove
I love his kisses and his hugs
And that cute smile, ugh, so smug!

I'd never let him leave
I got those sly tricks up my sleeve
And I know, yeah I know,
He'd never let me go!"

Poppy stopped as she felt another troll's touch. She giggled quietly as two masculine hands clamped over her eyes. She leaned her head back onto the gentletroll's shoulder and silently sighed. "Are we playing Guess Who?" she laughed, before she thought of a mischievous prank.

"Cause' I know it's you, Creek."


Branch kicked the backs of her legs and she snickered. He definitely didn't appreciate her little joke. "Aw, c'mon, Branchie, you know I was kidding," Poppy chuckled. Branch removed his hands from her face and his arms snaked around her waist.

"Not very funny, now is it, darling?" he whispered. Poppy shivered at his warm breath against her shoulder. She didn't dare say anything to him. He rocked her back and forth in his arms. "And what was that, about not needing a man?" he asked, slightly louder.

"I-it was j-just a song.." she stuttered. "Hm. Well, I believe that this girl needs a punishment, for singing such a song." he growled, with a strangely playful tone in his voice. His hands moved back up her body and he started to mercilessly tickle her from his vantage point behind her.

He tickled her until she screamed, at which point he stopped, helping her regain her mind. As soon as she could fully stand, he gripped a light colored pillow and slammed into her back with it. Poppy gasped, and turned around to his grinning face. "I'm gonna get you!" he yelled

She giggled her adorable little snicker and he raised the pillow above his head. He brought it down hard and she was knocked backwards onto his bed. He brought it up one more time and hit her again before the blue pillow burst into millions of feathers.

The two blinked and sat there in a thick silence, until they started to roar with laughter. The couple calmed down after a while and they just sat there staring. "Wow, I really did get you good," Branch teased, taking the young queen in his arms. Despite the girl being covered in feathers, Branch and Poppy were having a blast.

And neither one of them wanted it to end.

"That was fun.  We should do that more often," she giggled, clicking off the bedroom light. She crawled next to him in the bed and snuggled into his hair. Poppy felt him twist and whisper.

"Night, Popsicle."

"G'night, Branchie."

Branch sighed. He loved that girl so much. So, so much. But then, he remembered. That girl was feeling rejected by him. He groaned and slammed his fist on his counter. Synth eyed him from the corner of his vision as Branch stormed out of the kitchen.

Branch left the bunker in a huff and went to find Poppy. He went to her pod first, expecting to find nothing. She supposed was working, right? When he reached the pod's door, he was somewhat shocked to hear a small whimpering noise.

Oh, Pops..

He ran inside the house to see Poppy lying down on the bed, scrapbooking and murmuring stuff to herself. Branch couldn't hear what she was saying, but she was obviously upset.


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