11. Naive

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". . . It's such an ugly thing, for someone so beautiful will die every time you're on his side."

"We should be getting back, yeah?" Harry asks after an eternity of us standing there, staring off at nothing. The sun barely peaked over the horizon now, the sky a canvas of light pinks and blues. The rays no longer shone down through the treetops of the forest like they had before, and it was then that we decided that it was a good time to make the trek back to my house.

"My dad's probably going to kill me," I mutter in annoyance, rolling my eyes. The sound of leaves crunching and twigs snapping echo around us as we walk through the forest floor, heading back in the direction of which we came.

"That'd be ironic," he says.

A small smile tugs at my lips as we continue walking, our arms brushing every now and then. Our feet are in step with each other, although Harry's legs are longer and take much bigger strides than mine. He walks slow enough for me to keep up, however, and for that I'm grateful.

I think about everything that had taken place back there on the log, and against the tree. Things definitely hadn't happened like I expected them to, but I don't think I would change a thing. Harry and I had actually had a decent conversation, which lead to us learning more about the other. I'm surprised at how I'm beginning to feel more and more comfortable around him as time passes.

His words from earlier replay in my mind like a broken record:

I'm not worth knowing.


He looks over at me, raising an eyebrow. "Hmm?"

"Remember when I told you that you were wrong about what you thought about yourself? Well, I've done some thinking since we talked, and I still stand by what I said."

He shakes his head with a knowing smile. "You're so naive."

"For what, wanting to see the good in someone?"

He freezes mid-stride and stares at me. The expression on his face slowly hardens, his features turning cold at my words.

"You're looking for something that isn't there, Lyza. Don't waste your time," he grumbles, picking up his pace. My short legs strain to keep up with his long ones and the exertion speeds up my breathing, but I don't think about the consequences of my actions. That's the least of my worries right now.

"Harry, slow down," I huff, catching up to him. "Why are you shutting down all of a sudden? I don't know what I said-"

I'm cut short when he suddenly spins around, grabbing my upper arms with his large hands. When I look up at him my mouth nearly falls open. His pupils have been swallowed by his irises, a raging wildfire burning in his forest green eyes.

"Do me a favor and shut up before I do something that I'll regret," he spits, shaking me by the shoulders. His fingers dig unforgivingly into my skin as he does so and I let out a whimper. My body is brought to a jerked halt and his eyes bore into mine, scanning over my face.

Before I can say or do anything he lets go of me and I'm caught off-guard, stumbling backwards. I recover and look up to see him turn around and walk away without another word. I stand there, my body paralyzed from shock and fear as he strides away and disappears without so much as a second glance to make sure I'm okay.

I can't believe what had just happened; it all seemed like a nightmare. Harry left me standing there alone in the woods, the only thing he left behind being the stinging sensation on my arms. I bring my hands up and rub at the skin, wincing as I run my fingertips over the reddened flesh.

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