Chapter 10

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Hello!! Gosh, I love this story. Hope you all are loving it too!!


"I assume you all have met," Councilman Harth motioned to the rest of the room. He sat his rather large bottom into one of the conference room chairs and opened up the folder in front of him.

There were so many people in the conference room this time around. Arthur tightened his grip on Thea's both for her and his sake. He knew she was probably nervous, but he was more angry than nervous. After hearing about how they treated his father, Arthur was ready to step in to protect these two, innocent Lycans.

Thea reached forward and opened the folder in front of her as the rest of the room did the same, except for Arthur, who only glimpsed at his mate's. Lev, across the room, immediately frowned upon seeing the contents.

"No." He slammed his folder shut and tossed it onto the conference table.

"Now," Harth sighed and rubbed his forehead, "you haven't even let us explain."

"It's not going to happen. They deserve—"

"You've given the Council far too much trouble in the past, Lev, so I suggest you remain quiet on this matter."

"The old Council had at least some semblance of respect, something you clearly lack," Lev snarled. He moved from away from his place against the back wall of the room and took a threatening step towards the Council.

"What's going on?" Domishev spoke up from his seat quietly. Maksim scooted closer to his mate with a fearful glance at the Council.

"Let us explain," Harth sent a distasteful look to Lev.

"I'll take it from here Councilman Harth," Councilman Milton interrupted. "What we would like to do is take Domishev and Maksim back to the Council Headquarters for protection. Lev is here to protect the pack, but the Council will also need protection."

"They're more than that. You can't just call them when you need them. They deserve a pack, which is what we can give them," Lev's Beta role was burning through his eyes as he glared at the Council.

"The Council is a pack," Councilman Harth dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

"We are not forcing anyone to go anywhere," Arthur spoke up. Thea lifted her head from his shoulder.

"They are their own people, correct? They should decide." Thea felt bad for putting them on the spot in this hectic room, but they deserved to make the ultimate decision.

"Um," Domishev glanced at his mate, then at Lev, then at the Council. "I think we'd like to stay here for now. Everything has been crazy." Maksim tightened his grip on Domishev's hand.

"Let's just take a look at the folder—"

"They've made their decision," Lev grumbled. "I'll have someone show you to where you'll be staying." The room became a quiet mess of mumbling until Councilman Harth walked by where Lev was standing.

He murmured something so quiet no one else could hear, but it had Lilia flying in front of Lev to stop him from doing something he'd regret. Well, actually, he probably wouldn't regret it.

"They're mean," Domishev frowned once they'd left the room. Lilia only chuckled. Maksim stood and rested his left hand on his mate's right shoulder blade.

"We can stay here, right?" He asked. Lilia smiled and nodded.

"We're going to have a feast tonight," Lilia promised, "and you can eat to your heart's content."

"I don't think I can handle that again," Domishev voiced as he rubbed his stomach. Maksim's voice was stern in his ear, telling him to take care of himself. Lilia continued to walk as she pretended not to hear anything.

"Here we are," she turned to the men behind her. Maksim opened the door and stepped in first.

"That looks so soft," Domishev pointed at the bed. He raced to it before anyone could stop him and flopped onto it. "This is nothing like the beds we had."

"We're right down the hall, Arthur's room is next door, and my daughter's is across the hall," Lilia told them. "Kat might not be pleasant, but she'll help you with whatever you need."

"We look forward to meeting her," Domishev poked his head from his blankets.

"I'll leave you two alone. Someone will be by to get you for dinner in a few hours, and if you need me, I will probably be speaking to the Council. Feel free to ask Arthur if you need anything," Lilia tilted her head towards her son's door. Thea was giggling behind the closed door, and while Domishev and Maksim didn't understand, Lilia was rolling her eyes in exasperation. They never seemed to stop.

Arthur jumped off of Thea the second his mother's knuckle banged on his door.

"We have company! Continue this nonsense later," Lilia laughed. Arthur's head hung onto Thea's bare shoulder as he collapsed against her.

"We've been caught," Thea sighed. Arthur eyed her heaving, covered breasts and sighed.

"You're not exactly quiet," he murmured.

"Oh, we both know you're exactly the same. Get dressed," Thea scowled. She yanked her shirt on, the only piece of clothing that was missing, and laid back against the pillows. She pulled him close and ran her fingers through his hair.

"I don't feel like I say this enough," she murmured to him. He hummed and his mouth vibrated against her skin.


"I'm so glad we're mates," she smiled. He tilted his head towards her with his own grin and took his lips in hers.

Ten years ago

"Althea! Get back over here!"

A tall, young Alpha Luke stood screaming at his daughter as she ran to the forest.

"I've got her, Alpha," twelve-year-old Arthur stood proudly, poking his chest out to make himself seem stronger. He was standing at the edge of his trees and grinned as Thea threw himself into his arms. Neither set of parents supported their relationship—it was almost inevitable that they would be hurt if neither were each other's mates—but the two stuck together like glue.

"Bring her back in a couple hours," Alpha Blaton came to stand next to his mate and watched the two trail into the trees.

"Guess what I found today," asked an enthusiastic Arthur. Thea followed dutifully behind while clutching his hand. "A porcupine!"

"Wow! I didn't even know they were around here," Thea murmured quietly.

"Here. Look," Arthur pointed to a single, lone porcupine nibbling on grass a few feet away. "I got so close to it earlier. Watch." Arthur took a few steps forward but ended up far too close. Thea stood out from where she was hiding behind the tree, following him closely.

Just a few seconds later, they were both impaled with too many needles to count. They waddled back to their parents with sheepish smiles on their face and a memory to remember.

"We were shit-heads," Arthur grinned. His head was still rested on her chest when she flicked his forehead.

"You were a shit-head," Thea corrected. Arthur's hand creeped up her top a moment later, only to be smacked away. He sat up and glared at her with an intense pout on his face. "Let's go talk to the newcomers. They will probably have questions," Thea rubbed his face softly.

"They can ask questions when they're ready. For now," Arthur lifted up his mate's shirt, let's enjoy this."


Already writing the next chapter!! Hope you guys liked it.

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