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S05 E11&E12


"Listen, Lexie. One of my best friends in this unreasonably cruel world made one simple request; that I not get anywhere near you. And I slipped. It was fantastic, you're fantastic. But it's never going to happen again. Ever."

It wasn't a particularly busy day; a late Monday morning, actually. Which was why Angelina Engelli was extremely perplexed as to why the coffee was taking so long. She had ordered what she usually got; just a simple cup of coffee, almost fifteen minutes ago. Maybe it was because Eve wasn't working that day, or perhaps the drab Seattle weather contributed to the lethargic apathy of the current baristas, but whatever the reason was, the coffee was taking far too long.

After mulling it over a bit more, and checking her phone obsessively, her order was ready. Better late than never, she supposed.

On her usual walk back to the hospital, she was joined by Mark, who had abruptly strolled up to her, visibly distressed.

"This world is very, very cruel."

"I know," she responded, confused, "But why do you say that?"

Mark hung his head in shame. "I slept with Lexie."

"Oh," she replied, stopping in her tracks.

"I didn't mean for it to happen like that though."

"I-What?" Angelina caught up to him, slapping his shoulder. "How do you do something as horribly consequential as that and pass it off as an accident?"

Averting his gaze from his friend, Mark made no eye contact as him and Angelina continued to walk along the hospital's halls. "She came to my hotel room, took off all her clothes and said 'Teach me'. Violated me with her nakedness, is what happened. Derek's gonna kill me."


Today was especially confusing; with the entire coffee ordeal, Mark walking outside the hospital to talk to Angelina about something that happened relatively often (so why would he have taken special liberty to talk to her about this time? Something was obviously different about Lexie), and as she was walking around for her personal rounds, there was a familiar rolling sound.

Not the rolling of a cart, it didn't have the clanging of metal. No, it was much smoother, just as smooth as the voice that followed.

It was a voice that Angelina hadn't heard in over a year, since her time as a junior attending at Hopkins.


'Az' turned around.

"Oh hey Angelina!" Rang the peppy voice of Arizona Robbins, one of the few former coworkers Angelina actually respected.

"Yeah, hey," Angelina greeted back, though her mind was still clouded with questions. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm the new peds surgeon, you know with Kenley..."

Right. Kenley's sudden carotid dissection circled the hospital for a bit. A shame, really.

"Well, welcome then. I bet Oliver is upset about losing another surgeon to here."

Arizona nodded, a bright smile on her face. "Not as much as you'd expect actually. He says hi," she glanced at her watch, "but I've got to say bye, Kenley had a massive workload!"

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