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S05 E02


"So you're the new neurosurgeon?" Izzie asked, to an intensely focused Angelina.



She sighed, losing her concentration. "Doctor Stevens, is my presence really that mesmerizing that you feel the need to audibly vocalize your awe?"


Angelina was caught of guard by this. "...Good to know."

There was a pause, before Izzie hesitantly asked a question.

"Do you think you'll be able to restore her memory back, Doctor Engelli?"

"Well I've managed to suction the blood which relieved the pressure. It's possible that she'll make a full recovery, so I'm hopeful. Not certain- never certain, but hopeful. 15-blade please."

She held out her hand to Rose, who was still distracted by her previous conversation with Derek.

There was a sound of puncture before an "Ow." Rose looked horrified.

"Doctor Engelli, is something wrong?"

Angelina ignored her. She stared at her hand aghast, then looked up, at Rose, her sapphire eyes meeting Rose's brown ones. There was a sharp inhale, before Angelina started to speak— hushed, in a monotonous, quick, low tone.

"Rose, I haven't been here very long- to this hospital or to the medical profession as you or perhaps Doctor Shepherd —whom I've been informed is your ex— which makes it all the more humiliating when I give you this tip— when handing a surgeon the required tools, also known as your profession, give them handle first, so this doesn't happen," Angelina whispered, holding up her bloodied hand. "Doctor Stevens, aspirate and suction the blood while I get a new glove. Someone have a 15-blade ready given the correct way."

Rose's mask was damp near the eyes, while Izzie glared at her.

"What's happening?" Derek voiced, extremely confused.

"We're going along with the freezing."

"Without my consent?" His mood turned angry. "I don't think so."

Owen spoke up, "You want to be the doctor that didn't try everything for this arm? To prevent him from the rest of his life? Leave him in a wheelchair?"

"Get out of my patient's room!"

"I don't take orders from civilians," Owen crossed his arms.

Derek stepped forward. "Listen you arrogant, little—"

Richard intervened. "Shepherd."

"Look right now, the patient is stable. Maybe he'll never walk again, but if you do the freezing he could throw a clot and die."

"We're doing the freezing."

"Ever since this morning, you've been nervous about everything, impulsive, trying to prove that you're not number twelve, and you're not. But now, with this decision, you're acting like number twelve. Good luck with the patient Doctor Torres."

Derek, Mark and Angelina were walking.

At a very fast pace.

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