Keep trying, short stuff

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Ummmmm..... Ok. So I have just now been reading previous chapters to try to keep up with continuity with Jacob's story and then I realised that literally none of it makes sense in terms of story lines and ages and basically every other thing I wrote, so if we can all just collectively ignore those mistakes..... I'd appreciate it.

Breeze twirled through the open window, brushing past the curtains and making Fred pull the comforter high up his chest. He looked over to find his wife missing. He took his time  getting changed, pulling on warm clothes and heading downstairs. There were voices floating up to him from the stairs, and he could hear what they were saying.

"Hermione, you should move here, be with us, your family." Billy was saying

"I don't know Billy, I have a life back in England, Fred's entire family is back in England. "

"I don't mind not seeing my family every second of every day. Charlie lives in Romania, it would be like that." Fred chimed in, waltzing into the kitchen and settling his arm around her waist.

"Fred, that's a big call, maybe we should just talk about this in private."

"Maybe. Anyway I've got to run."

"Where could you possibly be going Fred?" His wife gave him a quizzical look.

"Well I have to get some pranking in before we leave, don't I?"

"No. Whatever it is you've planning, do not do it."

"Oh, its really not a big deal, I just faked some credentials and landed a substitute teacher gig at Jacob's school."

"How on Earth-" She started, but Fred cut her off.

"Because i have the most brilliant mind ever."

"Fred, you're 21. Nobody will believe that you're old enough to be teaching teenagers."

"Love, you forget all the experience I have with aging potions."

"Oh because last time went so smoothly."

"We were so close!"

"Not close enough. You still turned into an old man."

"Nevermind that. I've got to go and teach my favourite short boy!"

Hermione sighed and looked at her father, and he just shrugged and wheeled himself away.
Jacob had just arrived to his first class of the day, gym, when he noticed his usual teacher, Mr Maune was missing. The rest of his class slowly arrived, and it was another 5 minutes until somebody who was not Mr Maune entered.

It was Fred.

Looking older, a bit more clean, and very professional with his clipboard and whistle. He gave Jacob an obnoxiously large wink as he walked past, making his classmates stare at him.

"Do you know that guy?" His friend Embry whispered to him.

"He's my sister Hermione's husband."

"Ohhhhhhh. Wait. I thought she was like, 20."

"She is."

"This guy looks at least 35."

Jacob just shrugged, not entirely sure how to explain that his brother-in-law was probably using some sort of witchy juju to make himself look older.

Fred could feel the power coursing through his veins. The amount of force his position held over the pack of teenagers.

"My name is Mr Wendell, and I will be taking your class today, ok?" He liked his persona, fake American accent, hand-me-down fake name, and last but not least, incredibly handsome.

He decided he would make them do an impossible obstacle course. Just for fun.

Well, impossible for anyone below 6'5. Namely every one in the class.

Ok. If he was being honest, it was for Jacob. To show the rat-boy who he was messing with. For fun.

He sat back and watched as half the class made it three quarters of the way before giving up. The seven left included Jacob.

They spent the next 5 minutes dropping like flies, until only Jacob was left.

"Mr Wendell, he's the last one, doesn't that mean he wins?" A short girl with very thick glasses asked.

"Why my friendly little need, it does not. Unless he clears the whole course, he's a loser." He smiled and winked down at the girl, who blushed and ran back to her friends.

His attention was drawn away when Jacob made a loud grunt of protest, attempting to reach the last obstacle. The class watched for a few minutes before Fred decided to yell,"S'okay Jakey, you just aren't the right height. But keep trying short stuff!"

Jacob glared daggers at him, trying even harder to reach. They watched until the bell rang, and they all walked out.

On his way out, Jacob mouthed 'I'm telling Hermione,' to him, letting Fred know, that he was well and truly



Jacob couldn't stand to hear Macy Kirkup go on about Fred any more. He saw her speak to him once. One time. And now she was obsessed.

Telling her friends about the wink he gave her, showing her friends photos she secretly took of him. In the last period of the day, he sat next to her while she yippee in his ear about Fred.

"You know he's married right?" Jacob exploded at her, after almost an hour of her ramblings.

"Nuh-uh, I didn't see a ring on his finger."

"Macy, he's my brother-in-law."

"Haha, very funny. You have no proof."

Jacob proceeded to pull out his phone and show her pictures of the wedding until she cried.

Aaaaaa, what a day.

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