Again, not more story.

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                             far as this story goes, I am so stumped. I've just finished all my exams so I'll be able to really get into writing again, but I really need some ideas for where this story will go. But, at the moment, I'll write the next chapter and post it in the next 800 hours for all of you.

Um.... side note:


Also it's getting real close to christler and imma be out spending all of my hard earned money on myself. Just kidding, but please don't hate me. Also, I have learned to love again and am thinking of giving Ginny some backstory for her hatred towards Hermione + a chance to apologise. Also maybe some of Fred and Hermione's story from before they were married. Anyway I love you all and I am very glad that I can get back to writing!

Stay safe 😷👍

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