Chapter Five: "So...We're Lab Partners."

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Ohmygod, so I want to say a story about our interaction today (I'm studying in an all-girls school and we spent almost the entire day today with dudes from an all-boy school). My partner was 'stolen' from me by this girl, which I found annoying and rude and when I went out of the hall to find my male counterpart, I saw this other dude sitting by himself just outside the door, playing a guitar.

It was so obvious that he was a beginner but he asked me to sit down with him instead and we talked for around 20 minutes before I decided to finally find my male partner.

But then he asked me to stay and I agreed. I acted cool and all that shizz, BUT DEEP INSIDE I WAS LIKE <3

And the dude's cute ;) (ooohh, JACKPOT).



Sorry for the long-ass author note. (I just really need to let it out)

And I'm sorry that I didn't get to update yesterday :(

Chapter Five: “So…We’re Lab Partners.”


- Billie -

Slinging my bag against my shoulder, I step out of our house, narrowly avoiding the Lego block littering the doorway.

Not that it would matter, anyway, I thought, I’m wearing shoes.

Well, I guess I’m running on mannerisms right now. It’s still 7-fucking-thirty, for crying out loud.

I walk to the bus stop, which is around two streets away and stand, idle, plugging my earphones into my ears.

“Hey Billie,” a flirty voice called out. I turn to my right and saw Dana, a previous ‘lover’ (Note the apostrophes).

“Oh, hey,” I mumble as she stood beside me. I took a sly step away from her, not bothering to remove my earphones.

“So, do you want to…maybe go out with me tomorrow night?” she said coyly and I had to fight back a snort. Hn, as if. I smile, “umm…how ‘bout no?”

Her candy-smile faltered, “umm, what?”

I roll my eyes, looking at the other side of the road, “No.”

“Why?” she asks. I glare, hoping that it would be enough for her to piss off, “don’t make me say things I don’t want to say, Dana.”

“And…those things you wouldn’t want to say are…?”

Is this her idea of making small talk or what? “’Cause you’re a slut, honey.” Dana was about to open her mouth when it was interrupted by the school bus making its stop in front of me, “and I gotta go, so…do us both a favour and fuck off.”

I smile triumphantly at the look of anger on her face as the bus drove away.


“See you, Beej,” Gerard patted my shoulder as he left the men’s washroom. He just came up to me to ask me about any progress.

And when I told him that I haven’t done anything significant, he looked disappointed.

But I did promise him that today would be the official day that I will make a move.

Flicking my hands to remove the excess water, I pulled the washroom door open and stepped out, immediately seeing the door of the Physics laboratory open. I enter and instantly caught the eye of one Chelsea Rhone, who was sitting at the second row…by herself.

I ignored the others’ calling of my name as I made my way over Chelsea and asked, the words turning out to be more polite than I’d usually expect from myself.

“May I sit beside you?”

She turned her protuberant eyes on mine and, I noticed that she has green eyes, “uhh…sure.”

I smile and sat down beside her, taking my bag and putting it underneath the desk, ‘accidentally’ touching her hand in the process.

She pulled her hand back and I fought the impulse to smirk. “Sorry,” I mutter as I begin to look for the necessary things.

She smiled, “it’s alright,” then turned to the whiteboard, where Ms. Fawcett was already standing, looking at her students’ faces as she began to explain and help us recall our Principles of Physics lessons last year.

Tons of notes and forty five minutes later, she ends it abruptly, “alright, class, I think I’ve already made quite an introduction as to what you will expecting for our future lessons and discussions and, now, it’s time to talk about the upcoming Science fair at the end of the month.”

Beside me, I hear Chelsea sit up a bit straighter. “Your partner would be your seatmate,” Ms. Fawcett’s eyes twinkled as her gaze landed longer on the two of us, “and I will be assigning the projects that you should be able to make. Two weeks after the Science fair, you and, your pair should pass a laboratory report regarding your project making.”

Yes! More work means more time to spend with Rhone and, more time to spend with Rhone means more chance of winning this dare.

 “So…we’re lab partners,” she says with a grin, “I hope we can uhh…”

“Yeah,” I nod carelessly, “I get it.”

Thank God for Ms. Fawcett.

So, you guys should know the drill by now ;)



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