15 Random Questions Tag

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I was tagged by nobody. Im bored so yeah.

1.Whats a nickname only your family calls you?

My aunt calls me Catdog and my family calls me Daniebella or Beavis

2.Whats a weird habit of yours?

When I go to mcdonalds I always get 2 mcdoubles and then I eat one and then I take the bun off the second and eat the bun first and then the burger. Yup, I'm weird.

3.Do you have any weird phobias?

I used to be afraid of my moms bedroom door/fire alarm...Not anymore though...

4.What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast && belt out when you're alone?

Just a Dream (Originally by Nelly) by Christina Grimmie and Sam Tsui

5.Whats one of your biggest pet peeves?

Whistling abnoxiously, when someone calls me Daniel instead of Danielle, lotion. Lotion annoys me to death. I FUCKING HATE LOTION OKAY DONT JUDGE ME -.- When someone judges me or says something that hurts me or my friends/familys feelings.

6Whats one of your nervous habits?

I bite my lip, bounce my leg, or be silent.

7.What side of the bed do you sleep on?

I sleep on the left side and I sleep the wrong way xD (Idk how to explain it)

8.Whats your first stuffed animal & its name?

It was a cat and I dont remember its name. She was from build a bear workshop and she played High School Musical music..xD

9.Whats the drink you ALWAYS order at starbucks?

Fuck that shit, I dont go to starbucks

10.(Looks at question and makes up my own bcuz I dont understand it) 10. Where and when was your first kiss? 

Last weekend, (Feb 28-15 I believe) and in my bedroom <3 Babeh i love youuu

11.Which way do you face in the shower?

What kind of question is this?! I face the opposite way of the showerhead. Duh.

12.Do you have any "weird" body "skills"?

I can get a cut from nothing? Does that even count?

13. What's your favorite 'comfort food'/food thats 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?

Icecream or popsicles.

14. Whats a phrase or exclamation you always say?

"FRIANDSHIEP" or  "DONT DO DIS" Or I just burst out into song xD

15.Time to sleep - What are you ACTUALLY wearing?

Pajama bottoms and a long sleeved shirt. Or my monster wunzee. 


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