Chapter 3: Going on a mission

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Lucy POV

I was getting myself ready to sleep when I heard a faint nock on my door. I slowly opened the door. My eyes went wide as I saw the blue exceed standing in front of my door. He was completely wet from the rain outside and had a wound on his leg. His eyes were puffy what indicated that he had been crying. In short he was a mess.

‘Happy! What happened to you!?’ I picked him up and went inside my apartment.

‘I’m sorry to bother you Lushee I kind of had a fight with Natsu and I didn’t know where else to go.’ Happy cried again. I hugged him tightly and told him everything would be okay. When Happy stopped crying I decided to take him in bath and threat his wound.

Happy POV

Lucy was cleaning my wound that I made on my way here. I wasn’t looking were I was flying and crashed into a tree and fell on the ground on my leg. I really am clumsy. When she was done with cleaning my wound she let me take a bath. She washed all the mud of my body and some blood that was still there of the wound. Normally I would have been happy to be with Lucy but I wasn’t really happy right now. My mind didn’t want to stop repeating what happened in the guild. I feel so embarrassed right now. Now everybody knows of me wanting Lucy as a mom and of me crying like a baby. What would Charles think of me? I can’t face Natsu like this. Now he knows everything how could I act like nothing happened? If Lisanna knows of this she isn’t going to take it good. It’s not my fault that she wasn’t a mom to me. Geez. Even so I don’t want Natsu to be mad at me. I don’t want him to feel disappointed or worried about me. I just want him to be happy but I can’t. I can’t let go of Lucy. She is my nakama. My best friend. My never going to be future mom. She is important to me and I know I’m important to her as well. You left her Natsu. She lost her best friend. She lost the one she loved. Even if she didn’t tell anybody I know she loved you and she still does. Natsu himself lost also something important. He lost his reason to live. If he knows it or not it was the truth. He looked a lot paler since we don’t hang out whit Lucy anymore. He doesn’t sleep well at night and his fire isn’t as hot as it used to be. Was this how my dream of having a happy family was going to end? Did Mavis hate me so much? I can’t. I can’t give up. I will always hope that one day my dream will come true. That was the last thing I thought about before I fell asleep.

*Next day*

Lucy and I are walking to the guild. I’m feeling nervous. I haven’t told Lucy about what happened and she didn’t push me to tell her. But everybody that was in the guild knows of my sudden outburst. I don’t know if they told them or not. Even so I feel embarrassed and nervous. I have to do it thought. I want Natsu to forgive me. He’s my family after all. When we entered the guild the first thing I did was looking around for Natsu. When I found him I ran up to him an hugged him. The tears were already streaming from my eyes.

‘I’m so sorry Natsu I really am please forgive me!’ He patted my head while hugging me back.

‘Don’t worry Happy I’m not mad at you I guess I’m sorry too.’ I stopped crying and felt happy again. Natsu and I made up so I didn’t have to worry anymore. But I wasn’t planning on giving up on my dream.

‘Natsu is it okay if I go on a mission with Wendy and Charles?’ Natsu just smiled.

‘Sure Happy come back safe okay.’ With that I looked around searching for Charles and Wendy.

 Lucy POV

Happy went too made up with Natsu so I decided to go on a mission. I need the money to pay my rent or I will be homeless. When I was looking at the requests I found the perfect job. It was difficult than the jobs I normally do alone but I can handle it.

‘You’re going on a job Lucy-san?’ Wendy asked.

‘Oh hey Wendy’ I greeted her ‘Yes I have to pay my rent so I’m going on a job.’

‘Can we go with you Lucy-san?’ I didn’t really want Wendy to go with me. Not because I didn’t like her. Oh no, Wendy is like a little sister to me. But because it would remind me of team Natsu. It would remind me of him.

‘I think that is an excellent idea Wendy.’ Erza said while walking over to us. I just laughed nervously. There was no way of escaping now that Erza wanted to go together. Why me Mavis? Suddenly out of nowhere Levy showed up.

‘I want to go on a mission with you to please Lu-chan?’

‘B-but I didn’t-.’ I was cut off by Erza.

‘Sure Levy we would be happy if you would go too.’ In the end Mira also wanted to go on the mission. Now it was Wendy, Charles, Erza, Levy, Mira and me. A blue cat came running up to us.

Wendy POV

‘Wendy!’ a blue cat screamed while running towards me. I just smiled at him.

‘Hey Happy, everything oke?’

‘Wendy can I go on a mission with you and Charles?’ He asked full of hope. I couldn’t say no to him but we were going with the others on a mission.

‘Sure Happy but we are going on a mission this time with Erza-san, Levy-san, Mira-san and Lucy-san.’ Suddenly the blue cat stared at me with wide eyes.

‘Can you repeat that please?’

‘Okay I said that we’re going on a mission with Erza-san, Levy-san, Mira-san and Lucy-san.’ Happy’s smile just got wider and wider. His eyes were now looking at Lucy-san with joy.

‘Lushee you’re coming too?’ He asked full of happiness.

‘Well it isn’t like I had a choice but yes I’m going on the mission too.’
‘YAY!’ Happy was dancing but he stopped when Lisanna-san came.

‘Can I come on the mission too?’ Lisanna asked. Before anyone could respond Happy said: ‘I’m sorry Lisanna but we’re already with seven people besides I wanted you to go on a job with Natsu so he wouldn’t go alone.’ He then looked at her in the eye with full seriousness ‘I can trust you with taking care of Natsu right?’

‘Oh I see well of course you can trust me Happy but come home safe okay?’ She smiled one last time before walking away. I feel sad for Lisanna-san but I think Happy knew that if she would go he wouldn’t have time to talk with Lucy the whole mission. Happy really wants to spend time with Lucy-san. I hope Nalu will happen soon. If you believe it or not I’m the vice-president of the Nalu club. Enough talking to myself we have a job to do. 


Hey minna,

Here's chapter 3. Did you like it? Will the mission go well? Will Lisanna know what Happy thinks about her and Natsu? Will there be a lot of tears? Next Chapter 4: Discovering lies.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima does! I only own the plot.

Until next time^-^


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