Chapter 3 | Going Back for Round Two

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Word count: 0.9K

Total time (estimated): 1 day


Upstairs, in their attic bedroom, Hiro dropped into his chair and slid to his desk, immediately typing away on his computer.

"You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass before she eats everything in the cafe," Tadashi warned, tossing his blazer onto his bed as he stepped toward Hiro

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"You'd better make this up to Aunt Cass before she eats everything in the cafe," Tadashi warned, tossing his blazer onto his bed as he stepped toward Hiro.

Ariyana caught a glimpse of Hiro's computer screen as she walked past; a bot-fighting website. Who here is surprised?

"For sure," Hiro responded, although preoccupied with his computer screen.

"And I hope you learned your lesson today, bonehead."

Hiro swiveled around in his chair with a look seemingly of sincerity. "Absolutely."

But Tadashi saw right through him. "You're going bot fighting, aren't you?" he inferred with a hint of frustration.

"There's a fight across town," said Hiro, casually, standing up from his chair, revealing the website on his screen. "If I book, I can still make it." Hiro grabbed his bot from his desk.

As he headed for the stairway, Tadashi grabbed him by his hoodie and dragged him back over to him, stooping down to meet his eyes level. "When are you going to start doing something with that big brain of yours?" Tadashi said imploringly with a hint of exasperation, poking Hiro's forehead.

 "When are you going to start doing something with that big brain of yours?" Tadashi said imploringly with a hint of exasperation, poking Hiro's forehead

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"What, go to college like you?" Hiro nudged his brother with a smirk. "So people can tell me stuff I already know?"

Tadashi tried to mask the fact that his brother's words jabbed at him slightly. "Unbelievable." He sighed and face-palmed, staring up at the sloped ceiling. "Ugh, what would Mom and Dad say?"

"I don't know. They're gone," Hiro responded with a shrug. "They died when I was three, remember?" He turned away, hiding his saddened face.

Then the two heard a tiny sniffle. They turned their heads toward Ariyana, who was in her corner of the room, her back to them.

"Sis?" Tadashi asked, concern in his voice. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Ariyana responded quickly, although her voice sounded upset.

Hiro smirked. "Is it 'that time of month'?" Tadashi glared and smacked the side of his head. "Ow! Hey!"

"That was last week, bonehead," Tadashi glared. "And don't say something like that. It's insulting."

"I'm fine, guys," Ariyana insisted. Hiro and Tadashi exchanged "she's lying" looks with narrowed eyes and unamused faces.

As Hiro was about to head toward Ariyana, Tadashi had the same idea and headed over to her. He gently laid a hand on her shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay, Aria?"

Ariyana's small body slightly relaxed at hearing the concern in her brother's voice. Also at hearing him call her "Aria."

Aria was the nickname she only ever let Hiro and Tadashi call her. Not even Aunt Cass. This nickname was something special for just the three of them.

Ariyana sniffled again. "I'm fine, Tadashi," she insisted yet again.

"We all know you're not," Hiro walked over to stand next to Ariyana as well.

As if reading her thoughts yet again, Tadashi asked, "Did we worry you that badly?"

Ariyana nodded slowly. "Kinda. Maybe," she mumbled.

Tadashi raised his head, sending a glare in Hiro's direction. Hiro narrowed his eyes in a glaring response. Tadashi wrapped his arms around his sister, holding her closer as she leaned against his chest. "We're both sorry, Aria," he reassured her. "And we promise we'll never worry you like that again." Tadashi again glared at Hiro. "Isn't that right, Hiro?"

Hiro glared right back. Tadashi nodded toward Ariyana, silently telling him to apologize and promise the same thing.

Hiro rolled his eyes. "We're sorry, Aria."


Hiro again rolled his eyes with an exasperated sigh. "And we promise we won't worry you like that again."

"Promise?" Ariyana asked nervously.

Tadashi's face softened, a smile growing as he turned back to his sister. "We promise."

Ariyana raised her head so her eyes were meeting Tadashi's. She gave a soft smile and a slow nod. "Okay."

With Tadashi distracted, Hiro snuck toward the stairs, clutching Megabot. But Tadashi saw him out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head, frowning at seeing Hiro sneaking away.

Then Tadashi got an idea.

"Hey," said Tadashi, tossing a helmet to Hiro. "I'll take you." Tadashi tossed a pink helmet to Ariyana as well. "You too, Aria."

"Hey, hey, hey! Who said I was going with him?" Ariyana shook her head.

Hiro smirked. "Well, your mood sure changed fast."

"You're coming with, Aria, whether ya like it or not," Tadashi replied, ignoring Hiro's comment and narrowing his eyes as Ariyana glared back.

Ariyana stood there for a moment. Finally, she rolled her eyes, gave her "I surrender" sigh, and flashed the smile that Hiro and Tadashi swore was the prettiest in San Fransokyo. "I guess," she sighed.

Tadashi smiled. "Attagirl."

"You'll take me?" Hiro said, masking his full excitement.

"I can't stop you from going," Tadashi sighed, "but I'm gonna let you go on your own."

"Sweet!" Hiro grinned and disappeared down the stairs

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"Sweet!" Hiro grinned and disappeared down the stairs.

Ariyana stood beside Tadashi, smirking up at him as she realized his true intentions. "Something tells me you're not taking him to that bot fight, are you?"

"Of course I'm not," Tadashi smirked back. "But we'll keep that a secret between you and me." Ariyana grinned, her blue eyes sparkling. Tadashi smiled back and winked at her. Ariyana strapped her helmet on, following Tadashi down the stairs, their hands and fingers intertwined.

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