Chapter 5: Kaeya

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Of course it was hot out. The sun shone down on the weary and bothered citizens of Mondstadt, hassling them on their way to wherever they were going. Windows were left open all along the rows of houses, in hopes of catching a small breeze to put people out of their misery.

If only Dvalin could show up and sweep up a gale now. Kaeya was sure the citizens of Mondstadt would appreciate him much better. Him being the dragon, not Kaeya.

Maybe he should find Venti and talk to him about a deal. Not that Venti was Barbatos, of course. That was a silly way of thinking, definitely.

Oh well. It was almost drinking time anyway. Kaeya had plans to be at the Angel's Share tonight, stirring up some romantic feelings while getting drunker than Venti. 

He pulled open the door, nearly banging his head on the lit lantern beside the billboard advertising a discount on Apple Cider. Kaeya spotted Charles behind the counter, but his brief worry over his plan was alleviated when he saw Diluc sitting at a table. 

Good. Diluc had to be here for this to work. 

Kaeya ordered a bottle of the finest Dandelion Wine Mondstadt had to offer. On his way over to Diluc, he grabbed three cups.

Kaeya gracefully sat down next to Diluc, ready to provoke him. 

"Kaeya," Diluc acknowledged him.

"Diluc, dear brother," Kaeya nodded back with a smirk on his face. 

"I would ask what brings you here, but I know." Diluc didn't even turn to face Kaeya. "You're here for a good round of drinks."

"At least my drinks aren't just grape juice," Kaeya teased, mentioning Diluc's distaste for alcohol.

Diluc rolled his eyes and continued drinking.

"Waiting for someone?" Kaeya continued. He knew exactly who Diluc was waiting for, but it was best to bring the topic up naturally.

"Jean." Diluc said curtly, and turned away to hide the blush on his face. 

"You can't meet the Acting Grand Master so stiff and formally. I thought you two were just friends." Kaeya offered some of the Dandelion Wine.

"We are." Diluc turned away Kaeya's offering. 

Well then. Kaeya could see he would have to try a little harder for his plan to work. He wasn't one to give up, though. He was going to see this through.

"Then why so nervous?"

"I'm not nervous," Diluc denied. "I'm simply ruminating on the wonders and pitfalls of life."

Kaeya tilted his head back and laughed. "You and your fancy words. Really, though, you should loosen up a bit. What would Jean think when she comes in and finds you that stiff?" Kaeya encouraged. 

Diluc paused, clearly contemplating what Kaeya had just said. 

Perfect. That meant Kaeya was making progress.

"I'll just have a little." Diluc sighed.

"Wonderful." Kaeya poured the bottle into one of the three cups, filling it nearly to the brim. He passed the cup to Diluc, who looked at him suspiciously. 

Kaeya could practically hear the gears turning in Diluc's mind, thinking and rethinking everything. That was just like Diluc.

He poured himself another cupful and tossed it back, getting ready to set his plan in motion. Good wine precedes all delightful endavours, he thought to himself. 

Right on time, the bell hanging above the door jangled happily. 

"Jean!" Kaeya called, waving his arm above his head. 

Clear Day in Mondstat II Jean x DilucWhere stories live. Discover now