Chapter 4: Jean

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"Master Diluc!" Jean cried, seeing him standing before her eyes. Just a moment ago she had been thinking about him. She had been on her lunch break, and was going to go to Good Hunter, but somehow her feet had steered her towards Angel's Share, perhaps in hope of seeing a certain red-haired bartender behind the counter.

He wobbled on his feet but straightened at the sight of her. 

"Jean? What are you doing here?" 

"Master Diluc! I was looking for you." Jean smiled at the sight of him, noticing the way he turned his head away slightly to hide the red blush on his cheeks. Maybe it was just because he was overheating, it was rather hot out. She was sure her face was pink too, but Jean didn't think it was because of the heat.

"You- You were? Whatever for?" Diluc and Jean sat down on a bench next to With Wind Comes Glory. The hot sun beat down on them, bringing small beads of sweat to Jean's brow. 

"Well," Jean hadn't prepared her answer. How could she have just blurted out something so random? "I just wanted to see you. Do I have to have a reason?" She asked, slightly defensively.

"No, no, of course not. I just assumed that you would be really busy around this time." Diluc told Jean, his face flushing.

Was Jean really that busy all the time? She didn't think so. All the work she did was necessary. So what if she stayed up later than all the knights to finish her work? It was expected of her. 

Quick, change the topic, she thought. "Um, are you alright? You look a bit flushed, sir." she added. 

"Well, I was feeling a little dizzy, that's why I left Angel's Share." Diluc admitted, crossing his arms.

"Oh no!" Jean cried. The thought of seeing Diluc hurt was almost more than she could bear. "Here, let me heal you." She lifted a hand up.

"That's not necessary, really, I-" Diluc began, but Jean cut him off.

Jean lifted a palm to his forehead and felt how hot it was. She moved it to the side and brushed some hair out of the way.

Diluc's hair really was soft, she thought to herself. Jean only wished Diluc would look at her while she healed him.

She reached out her other hand and cupped his face. Jean moved his face downwards so she could see him better.

Suddenly, Jean was startled by how close they were. She could look into Diluc's eyes just like how he was looking into hers, their chests were almost touching. It would take little effort to move forward barely an inch and put her mouth on his.

"Ah, ahem." Jean coughed and scooted backwards awkwardly on the seat. "I'm, um, done now."

Diluc cleared his throat as well and moved backwards, albeit with more grace than Jean had done. "Right. Well, I'd best be going now." 

"Yes, ah." Jean summoned the courage to ask Diluc what had been plaguing her ever since he had told her that he wouldn't be at the Angel's Share.

"Will you still be at the Angel's Share tonight?" They both blurted out together. Jean blushed, and Diluc allowed a small smile to cross his face.

"I will be there if you are," Jean admitted, laughing a little. Could it be her imagination, or was that a trace of pink that was crossing Diluc's face?

"Good to know. I will see you later, Acting Grand Master." He smiled warmly at her, but it felt like a Cryo slime had formed in her stomach. 

Right. She was the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. The Knights of Favonius, who Diluc actively despised. It would never work out.

Shaking her head, Jean left and headed back to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. 

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