Chapter 10: Jean

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"Could you have these delivered to all the shop owners in Mondstadt?" Jean handed several letters with the same stamp on them to Otto. 

"It's the business tax forms. Tell the shop owners that they need to have this filled out and turned in by one month, like usual." Otto left, leaving the door swinging in his wake. 

Jean had tried to bury herself in work these past few days, avoiding thinking about Diluc and what happened that night. Archons, thinking about the way he touched her left tingling sensations all over her skin.

No, she told herself. Jean revisited her mental list of reasons not to think about it.

One, it was inappropriate to think about things like this at work.

Two, she had work to do.

Three, it would make her distracted.

Four, that night would probably never happen again, so thinking about it would only bring disappointment.

Honestly, the list was quite long, as far as mental lists went for Jean. But when she thought about the pros, her whole body melted.

Diluc's touch on Jean's neck, the side of her face, his thumb on her lips, left her senses numb and alive all at once. She imagined going to sleep curled up at his side, waking up with his arm over her stomach.

Jean shook her head. Remember your mental list? Revisit that again. 


"Can you tell me about the Darknight Hero?" Jean asked Donna, her notepad out and ready. They were sitting on a bench behind Floral Whisper. The shade of the house behind them shielded Jean from the hot afternoon sun.

Donna had claimed to have been rescued by the Darknight Hero, a new vigilante that was taking down monsters in Mondstadt. 

While Jean appreciated the work the Darknight Hero was doing, she thought it better if the Knights of Favonius handled these things. Why wouldn't the Darknight Hero talk to her?

Jean was sure they could work out some sort of contract.

"Of course! I was minding my own business, thinking about," Donna let out a dreamy sigh and clasped her hands together. "Diluc, when a bunch of Cryo slimes attacked me." 

It was no secret that Donna was practically in love with Diluc, but something about her tone made Jean jealous all of a sudden. 

Jean steadied her thoughts. She wasn't with Diluc, so she had no right to be jealous of anything Donna did. Donna was completely allowed to do whatever she wanted and be in love with whoever she wanted.

"Ah, right." Jean made a note on her paper. "And, what happened next? You say you saw the Darknight Hero, right?"

"Right, so a handsome guy with a mask on his face-" Donna began.

"Wait, how did you know he was handsome if he had a mask on his face?" Jean asked. 

"I could just tell." Donna shrugged simply. "Anyway, he came in a destroyed the slimes. I wasn't really sure what happened, because my hands were in front of my face."

Jean sighed. "Thank you, that was really helpful." She made to get up and leave.

"No, I also remember another detail!" Donna cried. Jean turned back around. "He had long, red hair, just like Diluc's. It was tied up, too."

Long, red hair, like Diluc's? Jean paused. It would make sense if Diluc were the Darknight Hero, but she couldn't go jumping to conclusions. Jean had to gather more evidence first.

"I think I might be more in love with the Darknight Hero. So daring, brave, the way he rescued me." Donna said, a dreamy expression crossing her face.

Of course Donna would be in love with Diluc. He was smart, handsome, successful, utterly kind... and he hated the Knights of Favonius.

Someone like Jean, especially someone like Jean, who was the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, would never, could never be with Diluc. 

"Thanks for your help, Donna." Jean smiled softly to herself and left.

Clear Day in Mondstat II Jean x DilucNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ