Chapter 8: beacon

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(Riga, Latvia){BUCKY'S POV}

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(Riga, Latvia)

"You guys go on ahead. I'll be up in a minute." I tell Zemo and Sam.

"You good?" Sam asks, his beginning to lace with worry.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm just going for a walk." I assure him.

Sam nods and opens the doors for Zemo. "Be careful, Bucky."

I return the nod and watch as they go inside the building. The cool breeze brushed against my face. I stood there taking in the different scents and sights. The tall building reaching the clouds and the silent whispers of the trees. The sound of water running through the gutters and sewers. This place is high in agriculture.

I look behind a tree and find a small metal that's quietly beeping. I pick it up to observe it. Wakandan technology. I look across the street and find another with the same beeping and delicate designs. I find more, leading me in different directions down to a empty alley way. I quickly check my six and proceed farther.

"You dropped something." I announce to the alleyway, knowing their listening. I hold up the small metallic ball.

I stand in the middle of the alleyway and turn around, watching my surroundings. Looking for my visitor.

I hear the silent footsteps behind me. "I was wondering when you where going to show up." I say while turning. I'm caught off guard to see Ayo in black dress and gold necklaces and chains, only in her arms she holds a captive Wanda.

"Wanda." I breath. She looks at me with wide eyes. Her ginger hair is matted from struggling from Ayo's tight grip. Her green eyes show a flicker of fear.

"Bucky." She whimpers. She tries to break out of Ayo's grasp but is brought back into Ayo's chest with an even tighter grasp.

"Ayo, don't hurt her." I say. She raises a brow.

"How could you have freed him?" Ayo asks in Wakandan. Her cold stare cutting into my ice blue eyes.

"We needed his help. To find Karli and Wanda." I say simply.

She scales me up and down. "With time, we will, and the resources, the Winter Soldier programming was removed from you like a rotten fur."

"And I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful for everything you and Shuri have done..."

"Zemo murdered our King T'Chaka at the U.N. The man who chose us. The man who chose me to protect him." She says venomously.

"I understand..."

"Very little, if anything, of our lose and our shame." She guts.

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