Chapter 5: uncharted waters

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"You just can't open up can you?" Sam asked me as we exit the police station.

I roll my eyes. "I don't do personal, Sam."

I've given him my reason to why I'm mad at him because Steve trusted him but then Sam gives the shield to the government. Exactly the opposite of what Steve wanted. Maybe Steve was wrong about Sam, if he's wrong about Sam then he's wrong about me.

I scan the parking lot for Wanda but she's not around. "Sam, where's Wanda?"

He looks around the parking lot. "She would have been by our sides right now."

I joined Sam in his search for Wanda. Still no sign of her. I do however find John and Lemar in a military car. I make my way over to them. I knock on John's window. He rolled it down slowly.

"Bucky, good to see you out behind bars." John said coolly.

The way he talks makes me want to punch his arrogant face. Sam came up behind me. "Watch your mouth, John." Sam tells him.

John scowled at us, shutting up. His eyes burned with anger of being told what to do by an Avenger.

"Is there something we can help you two with?" John's buddy asked.

My attention shifted to him. "Who are you again?"

"Lemar Hoskins."

"Noted. We were wondering if you have have seen our friend you met earlier? She stormed out of the station, alone I believe. She was wearing a grey jacket with a red shirt and jeans. Her hair was in a braid." I tell Lemar and Lemar only.

Lemar shook his head. "No, sorry. We haven't seen her. We'll keep a eye out for her though." John whipped his head around to his partner. His face is the definition of flabbergasted.

"Thank you," Sam told Lemar. We moved away from the military car. "That was unexpected."

"No kidding." I scoff.

We leaned against the brick wall. The police station is built into a alleyway right next to a parking garage. The red and blue lights lit up the parking lot. It's been around fifteen minutes since we've walked out of the building.

"Maybe we call her. If she answers then we can stop worrying and we can meet up somewhere." I suggest.

Sam shrugs. "It's worth a shot." He pulls out his phone and clicks on Wanda's contact number. We wait a few rings until we hear a phone ringing not to far away. Something pulls to find the ringing. It leads me out of the parking lot/alleyway and onto the sidewalk out of the parking lot/alleyway.

Not too far from the opening is a phone laying screen down on the sidewalk. I pick it up. There's a note beside it.

"Buck, what did you find?" Sam says behind me. His phone is ringing, waiting for Wanda to pick up.

I hold up the phone, the screen facing Sam. "She's not going to pick."

The phone is Wanda's. The name of the person that's calling her phone is Sam's. Sam stopped the call.

"What does the piece of paper say?" Sam asked.

I flip it over to show him. The paper say's nothing but in one elegant, cursive letter is: Z.

"Looks like we're paying someone a visit." Sam says.



My eyes flutter open. I'm laying on something cold. I'm a dark room with glowing objects. "Where am I?" I mumble. My vision becomes more focused. It's large and made of stone. There are elegant pillars in the middle of the room. I laying in the center of the room.

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