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Edward Remus Teddy Lupin's pov

I sat in front of my soon to be ex wife and looked down in guilt when she glared at me. The divorce was being finalized at the moment. We just had to sign on the papers. And then we have to deal with the custody of Ashlynn and Jocelynn.

"Where is that man?" She snapped.

"I haven't talked with him. Not yet." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Of course you haven't. He is a muggle after all." She spoke.

"He knows of the wizards and all magical things. But he doesn't know of this marriage. I find that very shady." Bill Weasley, Victoire' father said from my Victoire' side.

"He is not from this universe." I mutter but he caught it.

"Not from this universe you say?" Bill asked and I nod after a while of tense silence.

"What?" Harry asked he looked down at me.

I had not told them about the other universe yet. But I guess I had to now. I know I could not tell them but I think they deserve to know even a little bit.

There was the sound of a crash and then a few curses. I looked up to see Charlie Weasley and Albus Potter on the ground rubbing their heads. It seemed like they had crashed into each other.

"I am going out." Albus said and hastily stood up. He turned around and was quickly walking out of the house.

I looked at Charlie to see him still looking hazy. Charlie Weasley wasn't usually at home, he was always at the dragon reserve taking care of dragons. That was his job. He was also the one that actually stood up for me and said that if I fell in love with someone it should not matter because there was love in my marriage with Victoire. He did say that I was in the wrong for loving someone while still being married.

"I am going outside." He said and walked out the front door and he probably went to the side of the house to smoke.

"Continue about the other universe thing..." Harry looked unsure of what he himself was saying.

"There is another universe. There is also an ancient book stating that way before the two universes were parallel, but now they are not. Both universes had new starts when everything was destroyed. The other universe has magical beings living amongst them and they live in harmony after Thanos was killed. The Malfoy heir had teleported there and that's how the discovery of another was made. I teleported with there too. Albus also knows because his boyfriend is there. It's easy to teleport nowadays." I say and they all nod.

"So this lover of yours lived through a war with a titan?" Victoire asked.

"He fought in the war." I say and their eyes widened.

"Well that's just unfortunate." Ginny muttered.

"How old was he?" Harry asked as he sat down beside me.

"15. I think. He wasn't the center of it all but he did fight with the enemy directly." I said and they nodded.

"Awfully young. I wonder how he fought with no magic on his side." Victoire mused.

I didn't bother with telling them about anything else. They didn't need to know that he wasn't exactly human. They are not even comfortable with me being a werewolf then how would they feel when I tell them my mate is a web slinging mutant.

I didn't need to tell them about his super powers or anything else. They can find out later on. I don't even want them to find out much about them.

Authors note

Updated on: 14 June 2021

Word count:

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