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Peter Parker's pov

Four weeks. That's how long it has been since the day I found out that my Teddy was married. No he was not my Teddy. Draco Malfoy had told me all about his life and about his marriage.

Draco told me all he could. He comforted me that Teddy will return to me and he is mine. Draco is the only reason I have hope of getting Teddy back, but that hope was slowly vanishing.

I look down at the ultrasound pictures and smile. There were two little blobs. My little babies. I will get to hold them in 29 weeks and I can't wait. I am scared though that Teddy will not return and I will have to bring them up on my own. I put the pictures down on my bedside table and get up. I walk out of the tower and drive to Aunt May's house.

I reach her house in minutes and knock on her door. She opens the door and smiles at me and pulls me in for a hug.

"I haven't seen for a long time Peter. Come in. I want to talk to you about something." She said and pulled into the house with her.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask as I settle down on the couch. I was here because she had called me and told me to meet up with her because she wanted to talk.

"About your parents." She said as she pulled a wooden box closer to herself.

The smile on my face dropped and I look away from her. I looked down at my hands and sighed at the pale and skeletal like state it was in. I had gotten very skeletal like when I got pregnant. It wasn't like I wasn't eating, I was eating, a lot actually. But I always felt hungry. A week ago I cut my finger a little by mistake and I drank the blood that came from the wound and I couldn't stop. I had a hunger for blood and I felt scared.

"What about them? They are dead." I said and she shook her head.

"They are not. The people you think were your parents, weren't actually your parents. Your parents name is Arthit and Forth. Both males. A man called Charlie kidnapped you from your parents. He is the one that knows where they are. He kidnapped you because you were too dangerous. He saw that your powers could possibly bring back Voldemort. Voldemort is the evil that had attacked the wizards. You have the power to bring the dead back. So he was scared and sealed your powers of to avoid any accidental necromancy. And he knew that keeping you there will activate your necromancy powers. A part of Voldemort's had latched onto you when you were born, when you turned five you got your first taste of human blood, and that activated your powers. The reason I am telling you all this now is because you are growing a life inside you and Voldemort can't come through because you have another person in you already. And even though you will be able to do necromancy now, he won't be able to get through because you have a pure child growing in you. He needed you to be without a soul near you, but now you will have one following you forever because of your pregnancy. He is powerless now." She said and I look at the pictures she hands me and I feel my eyes moisten. It was a picture of a much younger me with possibly my parents beside me.

After a few minutes of staring at the pictures I looked up at May and then furrowed my eyebrows as I thought back to what she had told me.

"Human blood?" I questioned.

"Your parents are the first ever vampires. Your family is the only one and only family that is of vampires. Your father was a werewolf but after becoming a vampire he lost that part of him. You used to only have animal blood until you turned 5. Charlie and you were out cutting wood when he hit himself and you drank the blood and he tried to stop you. That had ended up making you a little impure. Because the blood wasn't exactly clean because wood chips were around it. If you had just drank his blood without any dirt, it wouldn't have allowed Voldemort to latch onto you. And Charlie immediately knew, so he took you away and ran away. He knew of the this universe so he pushed you here. No one knows of your family though." She said and I nod.

It was alot to take in but i had to. I can't avoid the truth. It will follow me everywhere, until I pay attention to it.

"What relationship did Charlie have of them that he knew about them? And why do you know?" I asked and she gave me a soft smile.

"Charlie is one of your brothers mate. After Charlie ran he didn't go back because he was too scared to, he was terrified that they wouldn't accept him so he didn't go back. And I know because I was there when he did everything. I am your older sister Peter." She said and my eyes widen.

"Are you joking?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I am not. And you need blood because of your pregnancy. You didn't need blood earlier because at that time your powers were sealed but now you are a vampire again, probably because of the pregnancy. The child awakened your vampire side. And just so know our parents have been here for a long time." She said, emphasizing more on long.

"How are we going to find our parents May?" I ask and she frowned.

"We need to find a Charlie Weasley for that. He knows where they are." She said and I thought back to when Teddy told me about the Weasley family.

I stood up from the couch and knew what to do.

"I know how to reach him. Get ready we are going to another universe." I said and May smiled as she stood up.

I was going to get help from the avengers to look for Charlie in the other universe. And to go to the other universe, the Malfoys will help me in that.

Authors note.

Updated on: 14 June 2021

Word count:

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