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Peter Parker's pov

(This is six weeks after the last chapter. It has been seven weeks since they had sex at the party)

I look at my phone as I wait for a message to come. A fresh set of tears start to flow down my face as I look at pictures of Teddy and I. My vision blurs and I bury my head into my pillows and cry as I think of how everything is just falling apart for me.

I get up from my bed and rush to the bathroom as I feel my stomach flip. I make it to the toilet just in time and I vomit into it. I get up after I am done and flush the toilet and go to the wash basin and brush my teeth. I look into the mirror and see red eyes and sunken cheeks. I was deathly pale and sick.

I look at my cabinet and think of the three tests I have put there. I brought them yesterday but didn't have the courage to actually confirm my suspicions. I place my hand on my belly and sigh. I could be and I need to get my act together and stand up for myself if I actually am pregnant. All the symptoms were there so I guess it didn't hurt in checking.

I take the tests and then sit on the toilet seat as I wait. I fidget around as I think of Mr Stark telling me how my life would be ruined if I was pregnant and quickly shake the thought away.

Ten minutes pass and I avoid looking the tests even though I should. My hands shake as I pick up one of them. My heartbeat quickened as I saw two red lines. I pick up the second one and it had pregnant written on it. I felt like crying as I stood there looking down at the tests. I pick up the last one and look down at it.

'7 weeks'

It written on it. I don't know how I could have gotten pregnant then because I had taken the pill and after that we had never made a mistake of not wearing a condom. And I haven't seen or heard from him for three weeks. The tears start to flow again.

"Peter." I hear a voice call out to me and I turn around to see the bathroom door open and in stepped Morgan and Harley.

"Hey Harley, Morgan. What do you two want?" I ask as I quickly wipe of my tears and try to gather the pregnancy test sticks but they fell out of my hand. Just my luck, I thought to myself.

Morgan snatches all three of them before I could take them. I see her look over them and her eyes widened. Harley looks over her shoulder and I start to panic.

"Morgan give them back." I yell as I try to snatch them away from her but she side steps and I fall right into Harley.

"I am gonna these to dad." She said and then ran out of the bathroom.

"Morgan." I yelled as I ran after her and Harley followed right behind me.

She ran into the meeting room where all the avengers were and handed them to Mr Stark. I saw the others look around at each other and start to ask Mr Stark what they were.

"Morgan, you snitch. Come here I will fucking teach you a lesson." I yelled and Mr Strange looked at me with a disapproving look on his face.

"Language." Captain America said and I ignored him.

"Peter are these yours?" Mr Stark asked and I started to fidget.

"Yes they are." Harley said and I turned around and glared at him. And without thinking I clocked him in the face.

"Ouch." Harley said as he held his face and bent over.

"Peter. Don't use violence like that. But why do you look like this?" He asked as he looked over me.

"You are touching my pee covered stick." I said and he immediately put them down and grabbed wet wipes and started to clean his hands and Morgan coughed and then ran out of the room, probably to wash her hands.

"You are didn't answer the question Peter." Thors voice boomed in the room.

"He got dumped." Harley said and I turned around to punch him again but he ran of to the other side of the room.

"I didn't get dumped. He just disappeared." I said and looked down, not sure of what I was saying.

"I am going to go to his house to look for him today." I say and Mr Stark nodded.

"Good luck then." He said and I ran out of the room. I quickly to my room and got ready. Soon I was getting in the car that Mr Stark got me and then I was at the mansion in thirty minutes. I stare at the mansion and finally gather enough courage and walk up to the door and ring the bell.

"Hello." The door is swinged open and a man with white blond hair and silvery grey eyes stare at me. He was in a black suit and looked really young.

"Uh. I am looking for Edward Remus Teddy Lupin." I say as I start to fidget and he looks me up and down and then opens the door a little bit more.

"You are Peter Parker?" He asks and I nodded.

"Yes I am sir." I say and he nods.

"Come in I would to speak with you about something. I am Draco Malfoy by the way." He says and I follow behind him as he starts to walk. I sit down on the couch when he points at me too.

"What is that you wish to talk with me about?" I ask when he says nothing to me for awhile.

"Teddy had told me that I should tell you when you come here. And I guess it is time. Teddy is married. He has two children as it is and he was called back to his home and he has left three weeks ago and from what I know he hasn't revealed anything about you yet." He said and it felt like the world was falling on me. My heart sank and a sob broke free and I placed a hand on my mouth to stop the sobs and a hand on my belly.

"Why?" I ask and Draco stands up from in front of me and sits beside me.

"He is terrified losing you. But he doesn't want his family to be angry at him. But as you should know, love would have to win at last. You are pregnant?" He asked as he placed a hand on my belly just like I had.

"Yes i am. I am gonna be getting an appointment soon to see my baby." I say and he nodded.

He has this smile on his face that told me that he supports me. And he would be here for me as long as he needs to be. I smile as I rub my hand over my belly.

Authors note.

Updated on: 14 June 2011

Word count:

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