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(Tolkien's Character)

Best known as one of the nine walkers and representative of the elves in the council of Elrond.

Average height and ocean blue eyes compliment his honey blonde locks.
He is a fiercely faithful friend and son. Being protective of his loved ones and an incredible archer, he is highly respected in Greenwood.

My version of Legolas is 500-560 years old and is the second youngest of the Greenleaf Household. However any of my stories set in the time of 'The Hobbit' Legolas will be the youngest because Keldrian has not yet been born.

In his spare time legolas will practice archery and knife work. Although he is good with a sword many would say swordplay would be his weekness.

Hobbies include :

. archery
.knife work
.being outdoors

In school he was rubbish at handing his homework in and once Thranduil was consulted on his son's lack of enthusiasm for academic subjects.
Obviously he exelled in war prep, archery, knife skills, riding ect. But unfortunately lacked self confidence when it came to mathematics and literature.

Legolas, meaning: Green leaf

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