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Faelû has light gingery blonde hair, very pale skin and brown eyes.

He is quite small for an elf but has considerable strength in battle.

The sibling he gets along with most would be Lindon as they have much in common. However, Faelû is more cheerful and fun to be with.

Whatever the weather Faelû can always manage a smile even in times of distress.

His hobbies include:



.playing the cello

.writing stories

He is a talented musician and plays the cello incredibly well.

In school he was a bit of a class swot and did well in most subjects. However, he was average in war prep and truly plummeted in Geography.

He is very talented in writing and creates wonderful artwork in nature sketching. Sometimes he will spend an entire afternoon on one drawing then decide it isn't good enough and burn it. He's quite a shy elf like Lindon.

He loves his family more than life and won't moan when told to look after Keldrian.

Faelû, meaning: Time of the soul

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