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A beautiful young Elleth with chestnut brown, silky hair. She is the beauty queen of the palace (aside from Thranduil, let's be real, people.) and loves anything pretty.
Her dress collection is almost as large as Thranduil's wardrobe/dressing room!

Occasionally Heledir enjoys crafting knife polishers from her pretty dresses, this makes Lothelen extremely angry and in revenge she has been known to scratch one of the knives! Horror!

She is a very sweet character and a huge lover of animals. She likes to think of herself as an incurable romantic.

Hobbies include:
.dressing up for fancy occasions
.petting kittens
.baking cup cakes

Very much the girly girl of her classes she exelled at horse riding but dropped grades when it came to general science, mathematics and all the other hated subjects.

Her eyes are a misty blue with hints of grey around the pupil. Lothelen loves her family more than anything and will face her wildest fears to protect them even if she doesn't always appear to be the bravest elleth on Arda.

Dwarves, like most elves, gross her out.

Lothelen, meaning: Blossoming Star

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