Chapter 20

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Y/n was walking home by herself today. Kurama didn't walk her home. He said that he has something important to do and she let him.

While Y/n is walking she feel a presence that following her. She didn't stop walking instead she run towards to a place that no one innocent people will get involve if the one following her is dangerous.

"I know someone is following me!!! Whoever you are show yourself! Don't be a coward!" She shout while looking around her.

"Hey Y/n." Someone said behind her and she look who is it.

"Enki-san?" She ask while looking at Enki with confuse in her face.

"Yes it's me" Enki said while smiling at her

"W-what are you doing here? And why are you following me?" She ask him but she only get a smile from him

And before she can ask again, she fell asleep and she fell that someone carry her.


Y/n open her eyes and when she look around her she can see that she's not in the Human World anymore.

She's in the demon world!!!

(" Why am I here?! ")

She ask herself and her eyes fall in her dress.

(" What the?! Why am I wearing this?! ")

"Hello there beautiful" someone said behind her and she look who it is

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"Hello there beautiful" someone said behind her and she look who it is.

"Kurama?" She ask then her eyes fell on what Kurama is wearing.

"What are you wearing? And why am I wearing this? Also why we are here in the Demon World?" Y/n ask him but he didn't answer it

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"What are you wearing? And why am I wearing this? Also why we are here in the Demon World?" Y/n ask him but he didn't answer it.

He held out his hand to her and Y/n look at it with confuse but still put her hand on him.

Kurama start to walk and Y/n follow him she didn't ask anymore because she feel that he won't answer her. And also she trust Kurama.

Kurama suddenly stop and he snap his fingers then the place where Kurama take her filled with lights.

Y/n look at the place and she really is mesmerized and amaze by how the place decorate.

There's a lot of flowers that surrounds them. The lights is also by the flower. Everywhere she looks it filled with beautiful flowers that she never seen before and a idea came in her mind.

("Kurama knows a lot about plants this must be one of the beautiful flowers he know.")

"W-wait what was all this for?" She ask and look at Kurama who hold a bouquet of flowers.

"For you Y/n" Kurama said and give it to her and she gladly accept it.

"Y/n I know this is a confusion to you. I also know that you been upset when I can't have bond with you anymore. But I did that because I was I mean we were preparing this for you." Kurama said while smiling at her.

"We? You mean you and my brother?" She ask

"Yes with Kuwabara and Hiei"

"But why would you trouble yourself doing this?"

"Y/n I know we are friends and I love being your friend but I don't want us to be just friends. Y/n you know everything about me that only me knows. You're always there for me. And while we been together I didn't expect that I will develop a incredible feelings for you. You must be wondering why I brought you here in the demon world. Well because I want to confess something infront of you and your father and everyone that is important to you here in the demon world." Kurama said and that made even more flower light appear and Y/n look around

And she saw her father's grave,her father's people,Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei,Botan,Keiko,Yukina,and his father's friends.

She look at Kurama again when Kurama spoke

"Y/n Urameshi I love you will you let me court you?" Kurama said while handling a rose from his hair with no thorns to Y/n

Y/n smiled at him and gladly accept it.

"Of course and I love you too Kurama you don't have to court me" Y/n said while smiling at him

"Y/n beside my mom the one who raise me I treasure you too and I believe that waiting for you and courting you will be worth it so please let me" Kurama said as he hold Y/n's hand.

Y/n laugh at him

(" Still as gentleman as ever ")

"Okay if that's what you want but I'm telling you I will be a little hard on you even if I love you. Like Hakushin and my father said before I should be a little hard on someone who will try to pursue my heart." She said while smiling at him

"Don't worry I can take it. After all it was your heart I will pursuing" Kurama said challenging by Y/n said.

Everyone smiled at them and they all eat what Hakushin cook for them and they all dress nicely too.

After 2 years

Y/n and Kurama finally starting their college life

And after 2 years of courting and waiting for Y/n. They finally became a couple and everyone was very happy when they heard it.

Y/n and Kurama became a couple under the Sakura tree that said Kurama always climb when he was a kid.

As for Kuwabara and Yukina, Kuwabara start to officially court Yukina with her consent of course and Kuwabara make a suprise too with the help of Kurama,Yusuke and pissed Hiei.

And for Hiei and Botan after the confession of Kurama to Y/n. Hiei also confess his love for Botan and Botan feel the same way. There's a suprise too for Botan with the help of Kurama,Yusuke and Kuwabara and while they are helping Hiei they're also teasing him that Botan will reject him because he has a harsh attitude towards her that make Hiei a lot nervous but it turn out good.

The relationship of Y/n and Kurama is just starting they have a lot of challenge to go through but they know that they can do it because now the both of them are not alone.

They have their parents,friends and family but the very last they have each other.


The end of Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke Urameshi's twin sister (Kurama x Reader)

Hope you like the ending even if it doesn't reach your expectations.

Yu Yu Hakuso Yusuke Urameshi's twin sister (Kurama x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now