Four- The Sorting Hat

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Thank you all so much, Beautiful Readers, for reading this! It means a lot to me! I- I can't even-! Just, THANK YOU! <3

But you're not here for my tearful thanks....


Tom stared at the alarm clock, waiting for the big hand to hit the twelve. When it did, Tom turned to his best friend and whispered, "Happy birthday, Harry!"

"Thanks, Tom," Harry said.

Tom crawled over to his bed and reached underneath for his box of trinkets. He pulled out the gift he'd bought and then sat back next to Harry.

"Here," Tom said.

He watched as Harry unwrapped the small box.

Harry's green eyes widened, and he pulled out the watch. The wristband was green and the face was silver.

"Woah, Tom! This is so cool! I love it!" Harry exclaimed.

Tom smirked. "I knew you'd like it."

Harry sighed, content, as he leaned against Tom. "Just one more month and we'll be on a train to Hogwarts."

Tom wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulders.

Just one more month and we'll be freed from this hell-hole.


On September 1, Petunia drove Tom and Harry to the train station.

"Now listen you two," Petunia told them. "You will stay at Hogwarts until the summer."

"Yes, Aunt Petunia."

"And the way you can get to Platform 9 and 3/4 is by running through the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10."

Tom and Harry stared at her as if she were insane.

Which she was. A bit.

Petunia patted both boys on the cheek before driving away.

Harry and Tom loaded their trunks and pets onto trolleys. Tom gave Harry a reassuring and confident smile, before leading the way through the busy station.

They found the barrier, and stopped in front of it.

What if Petunia is lying? Tom thought. What if she made it all up? What if this is all just one long, very detailed and bizarre dream, and Harry and I find ourselves back in the cupboard under the stairs?

Tom was brought out of his thoughts, when Harry gently touched his hand.

"We're doing this, Tom," Harry said.

Tom nodded his head, and they ran towards the wall. Together.

Tom let out a gasp as he took in his new surroundings. A gleaming cherry red steam engine was sitting on the track. White smoke billowed out of its funnel. Children ran along the platform, calling to each other. Parents and siblings were saying goodbyes to each other. Owls hooted in cages as they were loaded onto the train.

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