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When Y/n woke up she was lying on a soft mattress, situated in a lush room with antiques and many more lavish items that looked ridiculously expensive

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When Y/n woke up she was lying on a soft mattress, situated in a lush room with antiques and many more lavish items that looked ridiculously expensive. She tried lifting her self off but her body ached, as if she'd been thrown around, her body felt horribly worn out,

'Is this another vision?' She questioned herself when she heard the shuffling of footsteps,

"M-Ma'am you're awake!" A tiny voice asked and Y/n looked around the room and noticed a woman probably younger than her, holding a new outfit and she called her again,

"Ma'am, the Lord has ordered me to help you get ready and meet him in the grand hall"

"Lord? Get ready? Grand hall?"

"B-but where exactly am I? My body hurts so much..."

"Of course you wouldn't know, welcome to the Lord Ryoumen Sukunas Shrine, I hope I am able to make your stay comfortable, sorry about the pain, it's all because of the sleeping draught given to you"

"His shrine? You don't need to help me, I assume you're really bu-"

"It's the master orders, my name is Akasuki but you may call me Suki. From today I shall be your personal assistant, now please do let me take you to the bathing area" she bows after her short introduction and helps Y/n up,

"Pleasure to meet you Akasuki"

"S-same here" the shorter lady with long black hair and round soft eyes, blushed hard when acknowledged, as if she'd been accustomed to being used around and treated as a nobody.

"How come a beautiful woman like you fell into Sukunas clutches"

The woman was beaming with the compliment, so much so she started stuttering.

"I-as you see, Su-The Lord attacked my town and killed all the elders, so we youth devised a plan that would save us. We agreed to serve him in exchange for sparing our lives..."

"It's like making a deal with the Devil..."Y/n glanced at the other,

She stayed silent but nodded, when they reached the bathing area Suki removed Y/ns garments and let her dip into the water, then she proceeded to start washing Y/ns hair,

"W-wait what are yo-"

"Just let me" Suki said a little sternly and
Y/ns protests piped down and allowed the other woman to go about doing what she was doing.

Ten minutes passed by and Y/n sat staring at her reflection in the mirror,

"Suki...you're hands have magic"

"Thank you Ma'am" she said proudly,

Y/n looked at how her h/c coloured strands of hair sat neatly styled on her head, her cheeks had been dusted with a soft hue and her orbs were gently glowing like the dull glitter applied around her eyes, it was a simple touch but still impactful.

Together she and Suki walked to the grand hall of the shrine, curses seemed to hide in the walls and behind pillars, Y/n had to hold herself together because the stench of evil cursed energy was repulsive.

"We're here" Suki knocks on the door before walking away, the tall doors open and sitting at a table was Sukuna and someone else, wearing a rich kimono and short silver hair and a patch of red hair,

"Uraume, please welcome out guest" Sukuna beckons and Uraume stands up from their seat and puts a hand on Y/ns back,

"Welcome let me show you around"

"I-thank you-"

"Uraume on second thought, go on with your other duties, I'll show Y/n around"

"As you say master" Uraume bows and leaves,

"Suki did a good job with you" Sukuna smirks his eyes danced on Y/n,

"She really did" Y/n smoothed her garments and watched the smooth fabric and it's cool feel under her fingertips was amazing,

"Follow me" the taller curse leads the way out of the doors and walks her around the estate, which was in no means small. Much like his demeanour everything had much more grandeur then necessary and was also heavily guarded,

"Is it true?" Y/n looked up at him,

"What is?"

"That everything in here has high value...you know, not everything in here is just for show and actually can be used with cursed energy"

"Correct, everything here is dangerous"


Sukuna and Y/n simply walked around completely silent, just the occasional casual talk and suddenly in the middle of their awkward little tour he stops, leaning on the railing of a balcony, looking into the valley the building was situated in,

"Y/n...about your power, what exactly is it?"

"It's a Fire air technique"

"And what about the thought manipulation?"

"You answered your own question"

"Tell me more brat" he sneers,

"Don't get snarky, if I wanted I could shut my mouth completely, leave you in the dark"

"And then I'll force you to tell me"

"What's the difference?" She spat and he turns to face her,

"I-I came here because of a promise and nothing else...I'm sorry I can't "tell you more"..."

He watched stunned as she walked away, heart racing for more,


She turns reluctantly,

"I know...you don't fancy being here but, give this place a chance, it might not be something you'd want to do, but try" he says with a hard look on his face,

Y/n simply nodded and walked away, she shut herself in her chambers and sighed, if she was being honest she just felt lost, like a child at market they were dragged to without wanting to. On top of all this it seemed like Sukuna wanted to steal her power,

"Give this place a chance he says?" She closed her eyes and before she knew it she was fast asleep again.

This time when she slept she hoped that no nightmares and ugly thoughts would flash through her brain and much to her relief, for the first time in a long time she slept peacefully.

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