What Even

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This morning, I wake up to full bags under my eyes. My head hurts, it's feels like its going to explode. I mind runs wild from the past night. Giving me an even bigger headache. 

I rub my head while yawning. 


His name popped into my mind out of nothing. Why was this guy so special, don't ask me.

I roll myself out of bed and groan. I hate mornings. 

When I walk out of my cell to get dressed and wash up, Carter is standing outside waiting for me. When he sees me walk by him, his eyes light up like the sun in the early morning sky. It was pretty cute.

Carter grabs my arm and pulls me back beside him.

"Hey, wait for me." he smiles. "I've been waiting for you all this time."

"You didn't have to wait for me." I reply coldly. Even if he's cute, there's no way past my morning mood.

Still to my surprise, Carter just laughed and smiled at me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders casually and puts his weight on me. My face cringes at the sudden weight on my shoulders and Carter just continues to laugh.

He let's me go when we finally reach the bathrooms.

"Wait for me." he flashes a smile and heads into the bathroom before I can reply.

I let out a sigh of relief and stretch my back as I head into the girls bathroom.

There are lockers inside, one for each person. Everyday they fill it with the essentials. Tooth brush, tooth paste, hair brush and clothes that may or may not fit.

I reach my hand in my locker for my tooth brush and tooth paste. I go for the sinks before any of the other girls so I will have room to move. When I look at myself in the mirror, I let out another sigh. I hate the way I look, everything about it. My blue hair has grown longer, my roots now brown and the tips blue. Dark circles are under my eyes, looking as if I applied way too much make up.

Brushing my teeth with my right hand, my left hand runs through my hair. It's all knotted and tangled.

When I'm done brushing my teeth, I quickly wipe my face and grab an elastic band lying on the ground.

I rush out of the washrooms to have Carter, again waiting outside for me.

"Even without make up, you girls takes FOREVER." Carter exaggerates.

"Unlike guys, we actually wipe." I snap back.

"Oh, look who's woken up on the wrong side of the bed."

"You think?"

Again, Carter giggles and covers his mouth, trying to hide it.

I feel a small smile emerge on my face. I try to hide it, and fail. Carter's smile now fully shining on his face makes my face heat up too. I have to go to my last resort, I start to laugh uncontrollably.

I find it easier to appear laughing, though completely out of character, than be caught blushing.

"So she laughs." Carter says, smile still shining.

"You have no right to say that." I manage through my laughter.

His face goes blank. He looks so different with no smile, not that he always smiles but there's always a trace of one. Now nothing.

"Ouch." he says while looking offended ever so sarcasticly.

"You actually don't." I continue. "I've seen you giggle, chuckle even. But your laughs, when I think about it are never... Real."

Carter stops and looks down at his feet. He let's out a small chuckle. To annoy me maybe, I don't know.

"You are quite the one of a kind." he says.

"Same to you." I try to casual reply back.

I walk ahead of him. We are finally in the cafeteria, I head strait for the line, leaving Carter in the dust.

Authors blah: to whom ever it may concern, yes I've updated early. But it is only because Stargirl188 was saying if I updated early, so would she. If you are reading this right now, HURRY AND UPDATE! thank you everyone! Now I'll be working harder on the next chapter, hopefully coming out Monday...

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