NAJ Fresh x Deliquent!Reader

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Tired of Love

Some Background Knowledge: Y/n has became a Deliquent due to their past with love. Horror is their older sibling, and knows their past with love. Soulmates can hear the song their significant other is listening to.

As I walked down the hall all I could see were that lovers of the school. All tangled up with each other, and sharing multiple kisses. I wanted to throw up. I was just so tired of this love in the air, it's truly discussing. I have totally given up on love. Trust me, I have given love about a hundred tiries but it all ended with me heart broken.
"Hey boss." Mad dummy grunted as I aproched.
"Hey, Y/n. Are we skipping today?" Horror asked.
"Ugh yeah, I'm getting out of here, I think I'm going to be sick with all this love around." I said as I rubbed my temples.

We were at our normal hangout spot, which was an abandon factory. I sat on the couch while Mad dummy and Horror spared. I was reading an old magazine when I started to hear faint singing behind me. I tried my best to ignore it but it kept getting louder and louder.
"ALRIGHT, WHICH ONE OF YOU DIP SH*TS IS SINGIN'!? IT'S GETTIN' REAL ANNOYING!" I yelled as I threw down the magazine. Horror and Mad dummy stop and stared at me as if I was insane. Which I was but still they were confused.
"Uh, neither of us was singin' boss." Mad dummy stated. As they stood there the singing was still going.
"Ugh, I think someone is here. Search the place." I ordered as I looked around.

//1 Hour later//

"We found nothin' Y/n. Are you okay?" Horror asked concernly.
"Ugh, Yes, No, I mean I don't know. Don't you guys hear it?" I asked as I grabbed my hair.
"No we don't hear anything, boss. What's the song?" Mad dummy asked looking more scared of me the he usually is.
"I'm so tired of love songs
Tired of love songs
Tired of love songs
Tired of love.
I just wanna go home
Wanna go home
Wanna go home Woah~" I sang out. "God it's getting annoying" I said sitting back down onto the couch.
"Um, you might not like this idea but it could be your soulmate." Horror suggested as he sat down next to me.
"Horror, you of all people should know I don't believe in that kinda of sh*t. You witness first hand how that sh*t broke me." I said as I layed my head on his shoulder.
"I know but it still doesn't stop the fact that you still have a soulmate." He said as he wrapped a arm around me.
"Ugh, whatever. I'm going home." I said getting up and walked out of the old factory.

//Next day//

"Hey get back here you shrimp!" I heard someone yell. When I turn around to see the commotion someone bumped into me and fell to the ground. I looked down and saw it was a little skeleton nerd. He looked at me with fear in his eyes.
"There he is." That same person who yelled earlier said pointing to the nerd. The nerd quickly got up and hide behind me.
"Hey you, Deliquent. Hand over that nerd." A jock ordered me. I looked behind me to the nerd, who held onto my jacket with fear.
"And if I don't?" I asked standing my ground. A crowd started to form around us.
"Then I'll have to fight you." The jock brawled. I smirked.
"Alright . . . lets dance." I said as I cracked my knuckles.
I knew if I threw the first punch I would get suspended, so I had to act on self defense. I let the jock get one punch at my face, which I dodged, then all hell broke lose. It took a good 30 mintues for the teachers to break us up. I walked away with a bloody nose and a weeks worth of detention. While the jock had two black eyes, a bloody nose and a 2 week suspension.
I sat in the nurse's office with an ice pack to my nose. I heard a knock at the door and looked up. It was the nerd from the fight.
"Hey, I wanted to say thank you for, well you know, saving me from those Jocks." He thanked me.
"Eh, I just don't like being bossed around. I'm Y/n." I introduced myself handing out my hand.
"Oh, Fresh. I'm Fresh" Fresh said as he shooked my hand.
"Alright, my child, you can go back to class." Ms. Toriel, the nurse, said.
"Thank you, Ms. Toriel." I thank the nurse. I may be a Deliquent but I do have respect for my elders.
"Here let me walk you to class Fresh." I offered. As we walked in the to his class, I realized we shared the same classes.

//Time Skip//

Through out the week I have been staying in school more cause I wanted to get to know Fresh more. Him and I have been becoming friends. I would walk with him to all of the classes and he would help with the homework.

"Heh looks like boss has a crush." Mad dummy teased.
"Shut up you idiot. We are just friends." I growled. "Ugh, the song is back."
"Do you think it could be Fresh?" Horror suggested.
"I told you we are just friends, but what makes you say that?" I asked Horror.
" 'Cause he's listen to music right now." Horror pointed to Fresh, who had headphones on and walking down the hallway.
"It's just coincidence"
"You'll never know if you don't hear for yourself."
"Ugh, fine." I walked over to Fresh and took his headphones.
"Y/n?" Fresh whinned. When I places the headphones onto my head my eyes widened.

You're my soulmate." I whispered.
"What?" Fresh asked.
"You're my soulmate" I repeated my self to him. Then without thinking, I kissed Fresh. When I pulled away his face exploded with blush. Realizing what I did, I blushed as well. I took off the headphones and started to apologize.
"Oh Fresh I'm so sorry. I don't know what got . . . " I was cut off as Fresh kissed me again. He pulled away and left me speechless.
"I um . . . Liked it." He spoke.
"Can we do it more often? I mean like lovers." I asked with wide eyes
"Y-yes. If you want to"
"You said yes, HE SAID YES!" I screamed through the halls.

The End

I kinda mushed this together cause I wrote this at like 3 am and I didn't want it lose the storyline when I went to sleep. Hoped you liked it

-Marlinthedragon Out

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