The Belieber He Fell For (Part 1)

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It was that day when i had come out of the cinema . Just a normal day , just walking over to the car as normal . I had just finished watching the new Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 .

"Come on Justin . We don't have time to hang around" I heard a faint voice say over in the car park .

Me being me , i look up to see who this Justin was half knowing it was probably some little kid , half hoping it was him but it is . It's him , the boy i dream about every night was gettting into a 'normal' car in a 'normal' car park . The boy i daydream , fangirl and fantasize over is actually here .

I just freeze not knowing what to do , to run over to him or to just calmly walk over but time is ticking and he is getting in his car and is going to drive away . No . He can't . He was wearing his Obey hoodie with one of his many snap backs and of corse baggy trousers .

"JUSTIN WAIT" i scream as i stumble down the cinema steps and into the car park and over to his car ( it's a big BMW by the way ) Justin is looking round oblivious of me and starts getting into his car .

"NO JUSTIN !!" I sprint after his car , waving my hands around like a complete nutter .

"Wait , Kenny tell them to stop a minute" says Justin pearing at the wing mirror just seeing hands flapping around  .

"Justin , we dont have any time left man , we gotta go . Now " demands Kenny but still in that friendly manor that he has always had about himself .

"No , i think its a fan , just one . Please can we stop else i won't do the next performance properly" Justin teases , with a cheesy smile .

"Fine . Mike stop the car please" Shouts Kenny over to the driver .

Thank god they finally stopped , i was about to die . My feet couldnt take me any faster . Then the passenger door on the left opened and out he came . As beautiful as ever , even more perfect in real life . I stop and bend down holding my knees with my hands trying to catch my breathe .

"Have you been chasing the car?" He laughs walking over to me with his arms out for a hug.

"Yes , sorry if i interrupted anything but i just had to see you , i have never met you before and i have been dieing too i lo-" I explain all at once but then he just stops me and says.

"Come here you" and grabs me so tight and kisses me on the forehead . I hug him tight back and smile as i squeeze him . He laughs and gives me this look , like really looks at me .

"Your beautiful" He smiles , you know that cheeky smile he always does .

"No your beautiful" I say back .

Was he joking or was he just saying it to please me . We were still standing in the car park but blocking up the exit .

"Come over here a second sweetheart , cause we got to move the car " He says as he takes me by the waist and walks with me out of the way .

"So whats your name ?" he says looking straight into my eyes , i can't not take my eyes off of his . Just too perfect to look away from .

"Urr-" .

The sound of skidding wheeles came rushing through the car park . Mike had lost control of the BMW . It was flying straight for me . I can't move the shock of fright has just taken over my whole body . I was hit . Knocked to floor , clean out .

"Oh my god , jesus christ Mike ! " Justin shouts so loud his voice breaks up and he starts to scream and cry "Someone please help me , someone!!" Kenny comes rushing over with Scooter .

"Im so sorry Justin , i just lost control " screams Mike .

"Lets just call an ambulance please , please Scooter we have to help her , im not leaving her " Justin sobs , shaking his head , holding me in his arms , clutching me to his chest .

Scooter called the ambulance , Justin and Kenny got in the ambulance with me and Scooter got a taxi to the hospital .

We're rushing down the hospital corridor with me in the bed , Justin beside me running with all the doctors just begging them to look after me and make me better .

"Please sir can you wait in the waiting area , please " Says one of doctors running beside me .

Justin went off with Kenny and Scooter in the waiting room and sat down with Justin still sobbing with his head in his hands .

"I just pray she is going to be alright" he makes out in his sobbing .

"She will Justin , we just have to wait" Says Scooter patting Justin on the back .

After an hour of waiting the doctor came out and Justin sprang up to his feet .

"Can we see her now , please ?" he asks,walking to my room anyway .

"Yes sir you can go in " says to doctor smiling because of being completely ignored by the famous Justin Bieber .

Justin comes running over to me holding my hand and brushing away the hair on my forehead with his hand .

"Hunny , oh my god are you ok i have been so worried about you" he says starting to cry again "This is all my fault i should have took you further away from the cars , im so sorry" .

"No , Justin . This is the best day of my life , what more can i ask for, my beautiful Justin is here with me . thats all i have ever wanted " i murmer.

"What did you say your name was ?" Justin smiles still holding my hand tight .

"I didnt , but its Faye" i whisper to weak to speak .

"Thats a beautiful name" Justin says as he smiles back at me . "Im so sorry sweetheart i feel terrible . Let me take you somewhere anywhere you want to go with me . You can come home with me if you like ? Anything " he sobs but still smiling .

"Thank you so much , yeah i would love that Justin " I laugh with joy .

" im so sorry . You ran all that way just to meet me" He says .

"Its not your fault Justin . Im allowed out tommorow . Thank you . I start to cry looking at him with tears in my eyes but still smiling .

Justin gives me the most sweetest smile in the world . How perfect he is .. is it even possible to be that perfect ? .

"Come back with me , just for a week or two as long as your with me " He asks squeezing my hand so tight it's turning red .

"I would love to" I smile hugging him so tight "I love you" i whispere in his ear .

"I love you too" he says back but giving me and extra little gentle kiss on the cheek . He is so gentle , like if i touch him i feel as if i might brake him .

(End of part 1 . Stay close for part 2)


Piccy of Justin when they met in the car park >>>> 

The Belieber He Fell For ( Justin Bieber Love Story ) .Completed.Where stories live. Discover now